FEC Complaint Filed Against Alvin Bragg & Biden Campaign For Election Interference – IOTW Report

FEC Complaint Filed Against Alvin Bragg & Biden Campaign For Election Interference


America First Legal, a pro-Trump group legal group, announced Wednesday it filed an FEC complaint against Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and the Joe Biden presidential campaign for illegally coordinating to interfere in the 2024 presidential election.

“Evidence reveals Bragg’s political prosecution aimed to assist the re-election of Joe Biden,” the group wrote on X. MORE

7 Comments on FEC Complaint Filed Against Alvin Bragg & Biden Campaign For Election Interference

  1. People twenty five years from now will find this low IQ, one-handed, slack-jawed drooling meatslapping Asswipe soaking in the juice at the bottom of History’s dumpster!


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