Fed Judge Denies Effort to Restore 98,000 Purged Georgia Voters – IOTW Report

Fed Judge Denies Effort to Restore 98,000 Purged Georgia Voters

PJM: A federal judge ruled on Friday that the state of Georgia acted within the law by purging 98,000 voters from registration rolls who hadn’t voted in 8 years or responded to a mailed notification letter. more

9 Comments on Fed Judge Denies Effort to Restore 98,000 Purged Georgia Voters

  1. The purge the rolls movement is critical to our nation. The Demonrats have misused these rolls for decades to pad the vote, (aka Broward County) in addition you toss in the illegal votes, ballot harvesting, and non counting of absentee voters (primarily military) and you have the cheaters stew the Demonrats have used since the 30’s.

    The more the commies squeal the closer you are to the goal.

  2. The discussion in Georgia needs to be concentrated in steering the discussion toward exactly who wants those inactive and unverifiable registrations restored to the voting rolls and why.

    A genuine discussion of whose interest it is in to have all those ghost voters available at election time.

  3. “We don’t want to point fingers.”
    “We want to make sure this never happens again.”
    “It’s fo da l’il chillens.”

    Same suspects. Same bullshit. Same results.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. In order to vote, people should be required to register in person every four years (and not at DMVs), show adequate identification and proof of residence, sign an affidavit of eligibility, pass a multiple choice test (in English) unaided, and receive an updated picture ID. Special rules for active military.

  5. Tank Abrams lost the Governor race by 50,000. If they’d purged the dead a couple of years ago, she’d have lost by 150,000 last year. And the purge isn’t helping Dem Senate candidates in GA next year, either. Now if we could only take back GA-6 from “Stealth AOC” Lucy McBath. Let’s git ‘er done, my fellow Sixers!

  6. “The discussion in Georgia needs to be concentrated in steering the discussion toward exactly who wants those inactive and unverifiable registrations restored to the voting rolls and why.”

    Tank Abrams. And everybody knows why.

  7. This will be appealed, and the circuit court will order the purged voters back on the roles just in time for the November election, but too late to take it to the Supremes. Georgia needs to immediately burn the paper records and clean the data base (you know, like with bleach).


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