Fed Probe Affirms U.S. is Overwhelmingly ISIS’s Main Target – IOTW Report

Fed Probe Affirms U.S. is Overwhelmingly ISIS’s Main Target


Judicial Watch: A few months after Judicial Watch reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has nearly 1,000 active probes involving the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) inside the United States, a congressional inquiry confirms that the U.S. is overwhelmingly the terrorist group’s main target. The federal investigation examined the 75 ISIS-linked terrorist plots against the west to date and found that one-third of them were aimed at the U.S. or its interests overseas.

The probe was conducted by the House Homeland Security Committee, which closely analyzed dozens of ISIS-linked attacks on the west that have been recorded so far. More than one-third were aimed at the U.S., according to the committee’s findings, which were released this month in a report titled “Terror Gone Viral.” This includes the San Bernardino, California attack that killed 14 civilians, an attempted attack in Garland, Texas and plots to detonate explosives at New York City landmarks, shoot tourists on Florida beaches, more

9 Comments on Fed Probe Affirms U.S. is Overwhelmingly ISIS’s Main Target

  1. (low voice) NOOOOOO. (high voice) REEEEEALY!!

    As decrepit as we have become, the US is still the biggest and baddest in terms of power, prestige, might, and size.
    And you don’t think that ISIS (should be bombed so far out of existence as to be called WASWAS), isn’t continually plotting to strike The Greatest of Great Satans three ways – long, deep, and often??

  2. We (the USA) could do something about it, but we’re too busy infighting about who the enemy is. Can’t defeat the enemy until they are identified. Our dear leader says ISIS is not islamic. That means we should look at non-islamic non-muslim people if we’re ever going to find them…. oh wait, my cracker ass gets probed at the airport, maybe we ARE looking elsewhere.. my bad.

  3. And some people still thing the FBI’s gonna demand that HRC be indicted for treason … uhh … having unsecured State Dept. documents … ?

    Good luck with that … it took em, what, since Sirhan Sirhan to figure out that ISIS (and other jihadis) are targeting America?

  4. Who in the hell at the FBI is the brilliant strategist?
    Do you think this report has anything to do with obama opening our borders to Islamic terrorists?

    obama built this.

    The most dangerous enemy this Nation faces sits in the whitehouse……..that is, when he’s not on vacation, taking selfies or golfing.

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