Fed Rule Bars Banks From Targeting Gun Manufacturers – IOTW Report

Fed Rule Bars Banks From Targeting Gun Manufacturers


The Trump administration adopted a new rule to prevent big banks from denying services to gun manufacturers and other industries in a rebuke of an Obama-era financial program.

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) rule, which was finalized on Thursday, will instruct large financial institutions to only deny services to specific clients on a case-by-case basis instead of making industry-wide blacklists. The regulation came as a rebuke to Operation Choke Point, which sought to pressure big banks to cut ties with businesses disfavored by the Obama administration, including the gun and payday lending industries.

Operation Choke Point—coupled with public pressure from gun-control activists—led some of the biggest lenders in the country to drop their clients in the gun industry. Citibank and Bank of America cut ties with gun businesses after warnings from the operation that they could face reputational harm from doing business with legal but disfavored industries. read more

7 Comments on Fed Rule Bars Banks From Targeting Gun Manufacturers

  1. The Trump administration is setting up for legal challenges. Trump was blocked by judges in nearly all of his attempts to reverse or in any way alter Obama directives. We will see how biased the courts are when Trumps directives are reversed.


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