PJM: The people of Michigan are done being told they can’t go check on their parents or buy “non-essential” goods like tomato seeds on the order of that woman, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who thinks she has magical powers to dictate to free people what they can or can’t buy. Thousands of cars descended on Lansing Wednesday to bring the clear message that Michigan is still a free state, and its citizens have not suddenly lost their constitutional rights because of a viral pandemic. Go see
Everyone is a Tea Partier now. 👍
Protesting is an essential activity.
…but I’m still not sure if it’s “Michiganders” or “Michigandians”…
@SNS: I’m a lifelong Hoosier (don’t ask about THAT nickname) and I’ve always heard “Michiganders”.
Michiganders but I think Whitmer may be one of those lizard people.
The old adage that republicans don’t protest because they are at work, well we aren’t anymore and here we are!
Good for you, Canada.
Politicians who don’t think that citizens are about done with this shit had better have their tar and feather proof undies on by the middle of next week.
What Would Bill Kristol Do ?
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer mistakenly believes she is omnipotent. She is over ruled by the US Constitution.
I am trying to back channel rally on Richmond Virginia with a sneak attack on Governor Coonman. Lock him down in the Governor’s mansion. This baby killing asshole needs as much fear in his life as he has inflicted on mankind throughout his lifetime.
I’m sure the governor is paralyzed with fear from people who are afraid to get out of their cars to protest.
Am I the only one sees how pathetic this is?
On my way home from work(yes I’m back to work😁) I listened to her on the radio adressing the protest. She sounded very nervous(she should be) and unsure of herself. One of the greatest political miscalculations I can recall. I would venture she can say goodbye to any future political aspirations.
@lowell. It’s an opening salvo. Right now we’re playing nice.
She’ll soon find people with a less friendly disposition.
And she’s cornered beasts that will become more desperate as their food supply depletes.
Lowell. Are you unfamiliar with the animal kingdom?
It seems that poor Lowell doesn’t have a brain that functions.
“It seems that poor Lowell doesn’t have a brain that functions.”
You are not the first to hold this opinion.
Also, an “opening salvo” from a military standpoint is meant to demoralize and devastate the opponent. It is not tentative, it is overwhelming.
Conservative commentators must soon call for massive civic disobedience. If not they are PHONIES.
We’re not at mil response just yet. Call it a show of force. For now.
I’d love to see a giant 2A open-carry style rally where the only thing that is defied is the quarantine order. She’d get the message.
“We’re not at mil response just yet. Call it a show of force. For now.”
Ah, the soccer moms are ‘rattling sabers’ as such. I get it now.
Please don’t think I misunderstand you folks are being ill used by your governor. I see that. I also am at a loss how to effectively address that.
They’re civilized revolutionaries, Lowell. They’re going to warn you before they blow your head clean off. (Not you, them.)
Just don’t invite me to Michiganland. I shoot blunderbusses and I make plenty of blunders with them without warning! Clean off!
🙂 Go Michiganders!
I’m working at a lawn equipment supply and repair service. Our doors are locked. We do no contact pickups and deliveries and our parts department takes orders over the phone. We only honor credit card purchases at this time and when you arrive to pick up your part you phone us and it is set outside in a sanitized bag waiting for you. All equipment dropped off is sanitized before entering our shop. All deliveries are done with the equipment being again sanitized upon drop off and the customer informed to wait a minimum of 10 minutes from our leaving to approach and secure their equipment to let the sanitizer do its job. We’ve discussed our approach with local law enforcement and they see no problem with it. Because we are considered agriculture we have a little more wiggle room than other businesses. Now that word has gotten out we are being swamped with people bringing in their equipment and purchasing new even though they can’t visit the showroom to make their selections which is quite surprising. There needs to be a loosening of the Governor’s order as there are common sense ways to keep people and workers safe.
TommyBoy in IN
APRIL 15, 2020 AT 5:56 PM
“@SNS: I’m a lifelong Hoosier (don’t ask about THAT nickname)…”
…well, from SW OH I go to SE IN quite a bit, and in Rising Su, there’s THIS bit of cool, but poorly named, Hoosier lore…
@Different Tim – That’s great news, and I’m really glad for you and the company you work for.
…and thanks, everyone, for “Michiganders”. It just sounds like a goose’s mate from the Mitten, I thought “Michigandian” sounded a bit more exotic, like a Martian or a Venutian, but alas, it’s not to be…
APRIL 15, 2020 AT 6:36 PM
“@lowell. It’s an opening salvo. Right now we’re playing nice.”
…like a “fire demonstration”, where you wreck something flashy, but unoccupied, before you “fire for effect”?
SNS, someone else here in MI thought “Michiganders” was too ‘rube’ and tried to change it decades ago. They were tar and feathered and escorted across the border, told never to return. We don’t need no steeeeenkin’ exotic title! 😉
PS My little brother is in that long line of cars protesting Gov. Wretched Witless.
…ok, Claudia, I give, don’t hurt me Michigander it is…
…see, I KNEW that mild-mannered thing you do was just a veneer, you’re like that snuggly-looking little kitty cat that turns out to have railspike claws and teeth like the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog in Monty Python…;)
…and good for your little brother, it’s what we ALL should be doing…
Cynic, they had a 2A demonstration in VA – fat lot of good that did.
These fuckers need to be shown consequences; they aren’t going to pay attention until it’s personal and it’s THEIR ass on the line.
I believe that they’re in the process of trying to change it from Michigander to detainee but that’s not going to happen. On a side note the Lower Peninsulars are Michiganders while the Upper Peninsulars are Yoopers.
Not to get into your pissing match guys, but you are each making good points.
@Lowell does raise an interesting question though. Think about it? Why are we being kept inside to begin with? SO we cannot publicly assemble maybe and actually even talk about ‘government,(sssshshhhhh), related things’. Sounds paranoid but it’s what was being used on hypersonic overdrive in the CHoomer in Chief years, it’s documented by…Maxine Waters:
What do they have us doing now?? AT home? Trying to work, eating, shitting, drinking, smoking and…..talking on a phone!!! Track Track Track, Listen in, Listen in, Listen IN.
I do agree with you, she could give a shit about ‘those’ patriots because a) they did not vote for her to begin with and b) just the decisions this Commie makes should tell ya that?!
Yeah, maybe radicals like antifags cannot assemble, BUT I WANT TO ASSEMBLE, its my god dam given write to assemble, to gather, in a civic like peaceful way, is @Lowells point, correct me if I am incorrect.
And I agree with @Phenry – in that, it IS an opening salvo, Phenry knows from the VA2AFIGHT (thanks).
Even with each of those people having the equivalent of a 1500lb. weapon of there own never mind a sidearm.
Cars do a LOT of damage. Consider a car The Peoples Tank. Just sayin’.
Are you observing this N. Carolina? Yes, I understand. It will upset your DNA to follow the example of Yankees. But you showed up at your state’s capitol with smaller numbers to protest the same sort of restrictions, and your overlords there declared the First Amendment void, and arrested one of your own. Shouldn’t you insist they know voluntary compliance only happens as long as they behave nicely, with only reasonable policies.
https://newsradiowrva.radio.com/blogs/jeff-katz/nc-police-say-protesting-non-essential-arrest-woman .
Had to think about it…… it’s definitely Michigrunts.
How long before this unstable communist scrunt escalates things by calling out the National Guard?
If Whitmer is recalled it will practically assure that Slow Joe will pick her for VP. Joe probably thinks she did not go far enough to limit freedom.
I can’t help but think that it is the intent of some of these D-RAT Assholes to goad people into doing something!
Be careful out there~!
Turn-about being ‘fair play’ is WAY past due.
Let US conservatives take the lead, smash the commies and keep this country on the straight and narrow, as GOD would have it.
Be VERY AWARE when the internet goes down…..
Also see: anyone that lives south of the Mighty Mac (Mackinac Bridge) is known as a Troll (you live under the bridge)
I don’t want to hear any more about California being socialist, Michigan and Illinois takes the cake! Judge forces McHenrty County, IL to provide names of Woo-Woohan patients! I’d like to see the DOJ overrule this tyrannical judge.
“One size fits all?”
Not in my unbleached elastic starfish case!
Today was protest day in many states. People who couldn’t get to their capitals, were at city halls. It was a great thing to see in my state.
Business owners and citizens are filing lawsuits against cities all over my state. Some of these attorneys at the direction of their clients are playing by democrat rules and judge shopping and they’re also not just suing the city but also personally suing individual mayors and city councilmen and individual cops. It might never get anywhere, but at least it will get the attention of elected officials and cops that the people have had enough of being dictated to by those who are employees of the people.
Do the same thing in Dearborne next
bolevam is a phishing scam. Do not click on anything.
Got him. Thanks.
Gov. Roy Cooper of NC has inch wormed his way to getting close to mandating more socialist restrictions, but with enough opposition from Republican NC legislators he knows he can only go so far.
Still “his” plan to slowly reopen the state is petty micro management, including extending shutdown past May 1st. Hopefully, President Trump will put an end to leftist government overreach, tomorrow.
Sadly, Cooper will probably win a second term because the Northern Democrat transplant are like locust in North Carolina.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
John Stuart Mill
I’ve been saying all along many Commievirus political prisoners would rebel way before the end of April. So glad to see the massive protest in Michigan. Really encouraging. Gov. “Jezebel” can say goodbye to her political career in Michigan. Unfortunately, she now has street cred for a Demwitocrat presidential candidacy.
i hope nevada is next
Based on readings elsewhere tonight, Michigan’s situation is just getting started.
TV news this morning had a crawl saying it was “Trump supporters” that rallied in MI.