Federal Agents Grilled Kathy Griffin For Over An Hour – IOTW Report

Federal Agents Grilled Kathy Griffin For Over An Hour


COTR: Because of the nature of our ever-evolving news cycle, Kathy Griffin’s distasteful bloody Trump head photo seems like super old news.

While most of America may be over it, the Secret Service is not. Secret Service initially opened an investigation into “the circumstances surrounding the photo shoot,” and it’s still ongoing. In fact, according to Law Newz, federal agents recently paid Kathy Griffin a little visit and grilled her for over an hour.

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23 Comments on Federal Agents Grilled Kathy Griffin For Over An Hour

  1. The Attorney Fee’s won’t hurt her, it’s the intense experience the Secret Service Leave Her with ! They are going to Give Her A Whole new Feeling, “Actors Protest Night in Jail this is Not”. They’ve Sent a New Message !

  2. Elections have consequences.
    Actions have consequences.
    Thus Speaketh The Immutable Law of Unintended
    What?! Did she think that she could pull a boneheaded stunt like beheading Trump and just walk away, ha ha ha?
    Now I’m just waiting for the stoopid cast of that Shakespeare knockoff to be rounded up and grilled likewise. But I want to see grill marks this time!

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