Federal appeals court allows Texas to block most abortion procedures amid coronavirus pandemic – IOTW Report

Federal appeals court allows Texas to block most abortion procedures amid coronavirus pandemic

Just The News: A federal appeals court on Tuesday ruled that Texas can block most abortion procedures amid the coronavirus crisis.

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott last month issued an executive order blocking non-essential medical procedures in an effort to save hospital space and needed supplies for health care workers amid the pandemic. read more

11 Comments on Federal appeals court allows Texas to block most abortion procedures amid coronavirus pandemic

  1. Amazing. We can’t get our hair cut or go to the hairdresser for almost a month here in Texas, yet some think that it is okay to get an abortion? A medical procedure like that, with all those bodily fluids being spread around? That’s ‘safe’? Heck, even at some doctor offices I hear that you have to wait out in your car and are then called in.

  2. I would expect such a ruling, with this deadly virus decimating the population the way it is we need every new birth we can possibly have just to rebuild the population and prevent human extinction.

  3. And there’s a condom shortage looming… Chinese manufacturers are ready to step in and up their exports…

    You can’t make this stuff up! Oh, look! Incoming meme’s!

  4. Well, this will stop the hysteria in it’s tracks and get the Democrats change yet again as to this is much to do about nothing and we need to get back to the natural flow of business- that being murdering babies unfettered.

  5. if planned parenthood can’t kill black babies, won’t donations to democrat politicians dry up? during the election season?

    no wonder pelosi needed 25 million for the kennedy center, so it could donate 5, million to the democrats1


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