Federal Appeals Court Rules Biden Admin and FBI Coerced Social Media Platforms Into Censorship – IOTW Report

Federal Appeals Court Rules Biden Admin and FBI Coerced Social Media Platforms Into Censorship

— Violating First Amendment.

GP: A federal appeals court has ruled that the Biden administration, health officials, and the FBI pressured social media companies to censor posts related to COVID-19, Hunter Biden, and elections — violating the First Amendment.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling upholds a lower court’s ruling prohibiting many government officials, including the Biden administration, from contacting social media companies about content moderation. more here

10 Comments on Federal Appeals Court Rules Biden Admin and FBI Coerced Social Media Platforms Into Censorship

  1. How is that not a death penalty crime on this scale? How is it not treason given that it helped sway the election? Court rulings mean nothing until the orange jumpsuits or gallows show up.

  2. I have a feeling a lot of these “liberal judges” are afraid that after the election, they may bet drug out of their houses and “strung up” as they used to say in the ole west. NO MATTER THE SO CALLED ELECTION OUTCOME!

  3. A conspiracy between the FBI and the socialist Media Maggots to commit Treason.
    It cannot be plainer.
    Violating the First Amendment with malice aforethought?

    Where the fuck is Congress?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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