Federal Appeals Court Rules Pandemic No Reason to Force All Texans to Vote by Mail – IOTW Report

Federal Appeals Court Rules Pandemic No Reason to Force All Texans to Vote by Mail

Epoch Times: The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously slapped down a federal judge’s ruling forcing Texas to allow all its residents to vote by mail on the theory that doing so would prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, indicated he was satisfied with the decision.

“Allowing universal mail-in ballots, which are particularly vulnerable to fraud, would only lead to greater election fraud and disenfranchise lawful voters,” Paxton said in a statement to the media. “The unanimous Fifth Circuit ruling puts a stop to this blatant violation of Texas law.”

All 50 states provide for mail-in voting. In Texas, a voter is allowed to vote by mail if 65 or older, disabled or ill, in jail, or outside the county when voting is scheduled to take place.

Democrats had argued the disability provision could be interpreted broadly to include a lack of immunity to the virus. They lost.

The ruling, in Texas Democratic Party v. Abbott, an appeal from U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, came June 4. more here

3 Comments on Federal Appeals Court Rules Pandemic No Reason to Force All Texans to Vote by Mail

  1. excerpt from a John Nolte column:

    “Is Fauci a fraud or liar?
    Was all his talk about concern for public health, his duty to tell it like it is no matter the personal or political fallout, just a big lie? Is he a fraud who still believes these mass gatherings are a nightmare scenario, but is unwilling to use his massive public platform to say so out loud because shaming protesters who hold the “approved” views among America’s hideous elite would risk Fauci feeling the disapproval of those elites?
    Or is he a liar, does he in fact know the coronavirus is nowhere near as deadly as he played it up to be? Is he a liar who misled us into agreeing to destroy our amazing economy in order to undermine the Bad Orange Man’s re-election?
    Either way, Fauci’s a sociopath. Either he’s a sociopath who furthered his political ambitions and abused his authority and public trust to talk hundreds of millions of Americans into shattering their own lives and mental wellbeing when there was no real danger, or he’s a sociopath who chooses the good opinion of elites over raising the alarm to save the lives of thousands and thousands of protesters, and the countless millions those thousands will infect.
    What kind of man raises the alarm about the fact the black population is disproportionately killed by this virus and then remains silent as the black population gathers en masse, and remains silent as his fellow healthcare workers openly encourage the mass gathering of black America?
    I’m almost as disgusted with myself for trusting Fauci as I am with him.”

  2. The shell game being played in DC to funnel money to broke liberal states. Example-Illinois.

    “The State of Illinois is arguably not an “individual, partnership or corporation,” so how can it be the object of loans asserted to be authorized by a statute titled “Discounts for individuals, partnerships and corporations?” The State of Illinois has a $5.7 billion bill backlog, yet the Federal Reserve seemingly did not find Illinois “is generally not paying its undisputed debts as they become due.” The Fed apparently did not “otherwise determine that the person or entity is insolvent,” even as the State of Illinois’ latest annual balance sheet reported $267 billion in liabilities, “backed” by only $85 billion in assets – leading to a reported unrestricted net position of (negative) $214 billion. And the interest rate on the loan closed last Friday assertably lies well below what the market would have charged Illinois, despite the fact that Regulation A calls for a “penalty rate” for emergency loans.”

    I knew all along that it matters not one whit if the new ‘stimulus’ bill send money to states, because if it deosn’t, the states will just issue bonds and the federal reserve will buy them. Then the states, which don’t stand a chance in hell of paying the money back, will just default and DC will not care.

    And to top it off, as the quoted section i have in this post shows, the federal reserve is breaking multiple policies, rules, and most likely laws to funnel the money to Illinois.


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