Federal biosecurity board cut back meetings as US resumed gain-of-function research funding – IOTW Report

Federal biosecurity board cut back meetings as US resumed gain-of-function research funding

JTN: A federal committee that advises the government on “biological research that has the potential for misuse” met only once between 2017, when a 3-year moratorium on federal funding of gain-of-function (GOF) research was lifted, and 2022, according to its meeting schedule, leaving the panel largely dormant through the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, widely believed to have been caused by a virus leaked from a Chinese lab conducting U.S.-funded GoF research.

Gain of function research improves the ability of a pathogen to cause disease.

It wasn’t just the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity that appeared to relax its vigilance against GoF risks, as GoF research funding resumed under the Department of Health and Human Services’ so-called P3CO framework for “enhanced potential pandemic pathogens” (ePPP).

(The department claimed at the time that its framework considers “biosafety and biosecurity risks, and appropriate risk mitigation strategies.”). MORE

6 Comments on Federal biosecurity board cut back meetings as US resumed gain-of-function research funding

  1. Who are these people that do all this stuff that they never told us about to begin with and were collecting paychecks since they appear to have official meetings that they don’t tell us about and then these same people come out and ask where were the people who were supposed to do something as they sit back and ask where were the people that werre supoosed to do something as they sit back and ask where were the people that werre supposed to do something . . .

    Why do they never have names?

  2. No meetings.
    That way we don’t have to tell you what we’re doing.

  3. Not surprising. Government inherently supports itself, especially if there’s no oversight. Take away elections and the government has nothing to fear.

    Only fear of losing their cushy ‘jobs’ and corrupt lifestyle will stop this, and the Constitution does provide for this.

    FJB F-little-shit-that-needs-to-be-punched

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