Federal court denies Biden administration’s request to lift mandate injunction for healthcare workers – IOTW Report

Federal court denies Biden administration’s request to lift mandate injunction for healthcare workers

PM: President Biden and his Department of Justice were unsuccessful in arguing to the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals to lift an injunction against his vaccine mandate for healthcare workers.

Missouri’s Attorney General Eric Schmitt posted the one-page order to Twitter on Monday afternoon.

“The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals denied the Department of Justice’s motion for stay pending appeal in our lawsuit against the vaccine mandate on healthcare workers, meaning our injunction will stay in place.” MORE

1 Comment on Federal court denies Biden administration’s request to lift mandate injunction for healthcare workers

  1. No worries. We will shoot it down on appeal.

    I mean, seeing as how we allowed an illegally selected pedophile to be installed as president AND we just negated the 1A by denying religious jab exemptions COMPLETELY in NY, THIS certainly isn’t going to slow down our pest…I mean, peasant control program one little bit…


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