Federal Court Halts Student Loan Payment Program In Another Blow To Biden Admin – IOTW Report

Federal Court Halts Student Loan Payment Program In Another Blow To Biden Admin


A federal appeals court issued a temporary halt on Thursday on President Joe Biden’s income-driven repayment program for student loans due to challenges to its legality.

The Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan, which was introduced in 2023, seeks to provide new repayment methods for student loan borrowers, including lowering monthly payments based on income and minimizing interest payments. The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals halted the plan in its entirety in order to give the court time to issue a final ruling after also issuing a partial injunction in June.

The order was petitioned by the states of Missouri, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, North Dakota, Ohio and Oklahoma due to an April lawsuit that is still ongoing. The lawsuit challenges Biden’s authority to implement drastic loan forgiveness measures, alleging the president is overstepping his role and that the plan is illegal. more

7 Comments on Federal Court Halts Student Loan Payment Program In Another Blow To Biden Admin

  1. I want my 24K with 8% interest back!.I was making payments the first day of school.
    My 2 year tech degree is worth more
    than any Ivey League useless commie indoctrination.

  2. The Constitution is crystal clear. ALL revenue measures MUST originate in the HOUSE. This is not a “forgiveness” measure. It is the government (taxpayers) paying off these loans. That is SPENDING by the government and MUST be voted on by the legislature. PERIOD. This decision should not be seen as political. If the “president” actually followed the Constitution as he said he would when he took the oath of office, this never would have come up.

  3. Exactly like a dictator, Biden has tried several times to cancel student loans at the same time he’s calling President Trump a dictator. Even though he’s been rebuked by the Supreme Court he says “I’ll find a way around the Supreme Court.” Just like a dictator.


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