Federal Court Mail-in Ballot Ruling in Unrelated Election May Impact Tight PA Primary Senate Race – IOTW Report

Federal Court Mail-in Ballot Ruling in Unrelated Election May Impact Tight PA Primary Senate Race

CTH: A recent appeals court ruling, unrelated to the current year ballot counting, may have an impact within the close Pennsylvania senate primary race between David McCormick and Mehmet Oz.  Currently Mehmet Oz is ahead by around 1,000 votes [NYT LINK]

The court ruled that mail-in ballots without a date on the envelope may be counted in the prior election.

“The three-judge panel’s judgment said the state election law’s requirement of a date next to the voter’s signature on the outside of return envelopes was “immaterial.” They said they found no reason to refuse counting the ballots that were set aside in the Nov. 2, 2021, election for common pleas judge in Lehigh County.

This ruling happens as the current mail-in ballots in PA are being counted.  McCormick is slightly winning the mail-in ballot count, so his team quickly sent the ruling out to all Pennsylvania voting districts.

8 Comments on Federal Court Mail-in Ballot Ruling in Unrelated Election May Impact Tight PA Primary Senate Race

  1. …I’m SO glad you guys are so easily distracted by stuff like this!

    It keeps your mind off ME!

    …Well, this, and have you “Heard” the latest about Amber?


    …keep looking away, chumps.

    I’m *snicker* “Counting” on it!

  2. McCormick is another Romney. Oz ain’t a whole lot better. WA has about the worst senator combo although there is some serious competition. Which is saying alot when you consider MA, IL and VT.

    It’s futile. The money/control is too much for these spineless scumbags.

  3. Irate Nate
    MAY 22, 2022 AT 10:00 AM
    “Remember when we had faith in our elections, we accepted the outcome and trusted the people who ran them?”

    …I ALSO remember when elections were done in one day, in person unless you had a sworn affidavit and accompanying documentation to PROVE you couldn’t be there in person, they made SURE you were you and no “provisional” ballots, you showed up too late you did not get to vote, and the election was decided in time for the 11:00 news.

    Democrats can’t steal if you actually have rules and follow them.

    That’s why none of that will ever be allowed to happen again.

  4. So who wants to help me photocopy 29 million write-in ballots this fall?! If Biteme can win Pa by 29 million votes – we can elect a decent senator by the same!!!

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