Federal Court Permanently Blocks Biden’s Gender Transition Mandate – IOTW Report

Federal Court Permanently Blocks Biden’s Gender Transition Mandate


A federal appeals court has permanently blocked the Biden administration’s mandate on doctors and hospitals forcing them to perform gender transition procedures against their conscience.

The Eighth Circuit appeals court is the second circuit to block the mandate, after the Fifth Circuit ruled similarly earlier this year in Franciscan Alliance v. Becerra. The plaintiffs, a coalition of Catholic hospitals, a Catholic university, and Catholic nuns who run healthcare clinics for the poor, were represented by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty.

“The federal government has no business forcing doctors to violate their consciences or perform controversial procedures that could permanently harm their patients,” Becket vice president and senior counsel Luke Goodrich said in a press release. “This is a common-sense ruling that protects patients, aligns with best medical practice, and ensures doctors can follow their Hippocratic Oath to ‘do no harm.’”

After inheriting the mandate from the Obama administration, the Biden administration sought to force doctors to perform “gender transition” surgeries — mutilation — and prescribe puberty blockers, cross-sex hormone drugs, and other procedures.

Invoking the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Biden administration threatened noncompliant hospitals and doctors with millions of dollars in financial penalties, as it attempted to enforce its redefinition of discrimination on the basis of sex to include gender identity. MORE

11 Comments on Federal Court Permanently Blocks Biden’s Gender Transition Mandate

  1. Interesting commentary about homosexuality and its latter day cousin, “transgenderism” :

    Just listened last night to my fav preacher, Alistair Begg. This two-part presentation is on YT, “God Gave Them Up”

    Much of the it is based on Romans 1:18:

    “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty.”

    Apostle Paul explained that the proof of God’s wrath, now as then, is in the world we see around us; in the reality of a debauched society.

    On homosexuality, Begg cites the sweeping changes within our lifetime; taking us from outright and righteous contempt for the practice to our current state of championing it (and all its derivations). When I say “our” and “we”, I mean the greater part of our society who have bought into the lies concerning homosexuality and sexual dysphoria.

    The most interesting part of the sermon is when Begg cites a doctor of psychiatry and professor, at that time of Case Western Reserve University, who, in a 1991 article (originally published in The Journal of Psychiatry in 1970) gave the following explanation for homosexuality. Such was the prevailing argument against homosexuality having its roots in genetics or DNA.

    (This quote includes Begg’s preamble and following comments)

    “Let me just give to you a quote here that will stagger you a little bit, and that’s okay. But this is a professor of psychiatry from Case. And I read… I have a piece—I have it here, actually—from 1991, when I found this professor. And… Yeah, I think he’s retired now. So this is a doctor:

    “Homosexuality is another psychosocial epiphenomenon accompanying an unnatural, first learned then preferred method of orgasm created in an over-sexualized subculture or in a culture [where] nature is ignored.

    Homosexuality is a learned feigned set of behaviors that become automatic. These sets of behaviors introduce, rationalize, reinforce and support an over-enthusiastic (addiction) to orgasm which is unrecognized as merely a simple physiologic reflex. It begins with the universal doubts of oneself in childhood, the doubts never resolving but merging with identity to become a learned way of life, sexualized to orgasm without gender consideration (therefore met most readily by others with the same set of behaviors,) and then the whole charade covered over by a label (“homosexuality” for one) with the affected styles accompanying the label.”

    Now, that is not some crazy fundamentalist from down in the South. That’s a professor of psychiatry. I’m sure he couldn’t last very long making those statements. Probably he retired when he should. I don’t know.

    But there you have it: “for even [the] women…” Unnatural. Verse 27: “and the men likewise.” He’s more detailed here when he comes to the men. I wonder if Paul had in mind when he came to this matter what he says when he writes in Ephesians 5, about “It is [a] shameful [thing] even to speak of the things that they do in secret.”[9] “It is [a] shameful [thing] … to speak of the things … they do in secret.” And I’m not about to speak of “the things they do in secret.” But at the same time, we have to be prepared to acknowledge what is done in secret! Everything is glossed over. Everything is beautiful. Everything is “This is the way it should possibly be. This is time for rainbows and kisses and bows on ponies and everything.”

    Have you ever had one of your friends arrested in a cinema in Soho because he went there to engage in an illicit sexual encounter with anybody that was present? I have. Have you read the book Philomena, and read there of the unfolding drama of pain and sadness and anger and disappointment and pain that is embedded in the personal testimony of the fellow who was the son of Philomena, who had given him up for adoption in the convent in the South of Ireland fifty years before? She tracks him down, and she finds him. I mention it only because of the honesty that is contained in that book, and the sadness. ’Cause it all takes place right along the time that AIDS was first encountered, that HIV was first discovered. And the story is right at the heart of that.

    Now, Paul, two thousand years before, is describing the situations that were prevalent in both Greek and Roman culture. They “gave up natural relations.” In other words, they made a decision, a choice. They gave up the possibilities there, and they “were consumed with passion for one another.”

    To say this, to propound this, is immediately to be regarded as harsh or judgmental or bigoted. But the Bible is really clear, loved ones. Homosexuality is unnatural. It’s a violation of God’s created order. It’s not the greatest sin, but it is the clearest evidence of a society’s defiance of God. When a culture finally reaches this place, where now even manhood and womanhood, gender itself, is deconstructed and reconstructed according to whatever agenda the individual has, whatever ethical set of norms they’ve decided to embrace, then the culture is in deep trouble. When you live in a society that’s got more concern for its animals than it’s got for children in the womb, you’re living in a putrefying culture. When you live in a culture where men and women are unclear as to why they were made, how they were made, who made them, and what they’re supposed to be doing and allow them to do whatever they choose, you’re living in a really, really weird place.”

    The conclusion is that homosexuality is in truth a sexual addiction in which orgasm is the Pavlovian payoff. The only differences, say, between addiction to pornography, pedophilia, or any number of sexual fetishes, is merely the path the individual takes getting to that payoff.

    If you want to hear the rest (or read the transcript) you can go to Truthforlife (dot) org, and search “God Gave Them Up”.

    In it, Begg also talks about the social engineering, propagated by homosexual activists as far back as the late ’60s/early ’70s, and their three-step plan for changing the attitudes of Americans toward what is essentially a mental disorder into what is now commonly called an “alternative lifestyle”, and eventually into cancelling those who speak or act against it.

    He also cites a study done on the viability of societies over a 5000 year period which have allowed or celebrated sexual perversion. None of them survived and each fell at the point at which the United States is today.

    I found it very interesting that the weak point of any society comes down to how it handles (or allows) sexual perversion in its midst. Apparently Putin knows the history of this.

  2. Faggots won’t stop at anything. Remember when the faggots banged on Lot’s door demanding that Lot give the angels visiting Lot over to them so they could have sex with them. We know what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah, what comes next will make that event look like a State fair fireworks. We will see his face because we believe.

    Abigail, nice post. DH and I will listen to Begg’s sermon tonight. Thank you.

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  4. G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G
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  5. Abigail, thanks very much for posting that.

    I have long suspected, to the point of certainly, that the USA has uncaringly marched herself into a full measure of God’s wraith. The nation-wide horror show now happening is justly earned through open, blatant, and proudly defiant denunciation of our Creator by a heartbreaking majority of her people. Silent inaction, in the face of evil, is little different than open acceptance…for, There is none righteous, no, not one.

    The Hebrew bondage and seemingly endless travails were allowed by the Almighty due their congregate disobedience to Him. Why should we expect a different, if not worse, national fate than what He sanctioned for the Children of Abraham? His chosen people!

    Our hope is an individual one. Firmly rooted in His promise to each one of us, through the Blood sacrifice offered up on Calvary. A sacrifice He consummated and sealed three days later.

    By His Grace alone, I abide

  6. See also: Americansfortruth (dot) com and search:
    “The Overhauling of Straight America’: Homosexuals Lay Out Marketing Blueprint”.

    It is a good commentary on Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, 2 homosexuals who were the greatest drivers behind changing the opinions of Americans toward homosexuality, and offering the blueprint for normalizing every sexual deviancy we are experiencing today.

    Together they wrote “After the Ball” (you can look it up on Amazon. Since their target audience were other homosexuals and their aim was activism among the ranks, their books are explicit about their overall strategies and tactics. Very similar, in this way, to Saul Alynski’s “Rules For Radicals.” In fact, I rather wonder if they didn’t lift Alynski’s tactics whole cloth.

    Politics is downstream from culture. If we can throw back the curtain and shine some light (back) into the dark corners and ferret out the lies behind homosexuality, perhaps we can change course in our culture. It’s not as difficult as it would seem, given that they have completely lost their minds and are openly going after our children.

    This last point is very interesting indeed because the homosexuals have overplayed their hand in the same fashion as the Leftist Democrat Party. They’ve become desperate for their opportunities and have mis-timed them. If they had waited just a few more years, it’s likely they would have had a complete success with their agenda. I think it’s their panic over the Trump and MAGA phenomena and that the country was making a hard right turn again.

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