Federal Court Refused To Unseal Documents Justifying FBI Raid On Reported Clinton Foundation Whistleblower – IOTW Report

Federal Court Refused To Unseal Documents Justifying FBI Raid On Reported Clinton Foundation Whistleblower


A federal court refused to unseal government documents that permitted the FBI to raid the home of a reportedly recognized whistleblower who, according to his lawyer, delivered documents pertaining to the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One to a presidentially appointed watchdog.

The U.S. District Court of Maryland’s Chief Magistrate Judge Beth P. Gesner, a Clinton appointee, also sealed her justification for keeping the documents secret in a single-page Dec. 20 order.

On Nov. 15, federal Magistrate Judge Stephanie Gallagher authorized the raid on Dennis Cain’s Union Bridge, Maryland, home. She sealed the government documents justifying it.

The Daily Caller News Foundation asked Gallagher on Nov. 29 to unseal the documents, noting that Cain’s attorney has said his client, a former employee of an FBI contractor, is a recognized whistleblower. The documents should be released in light of “an urgent public interest” surrounding the case, TheDCNF wrote.

Attorneys and experts who defend government whistleblowers told TheDCNF the court should disclose whether prosecutors told Gallagher that Cain was a protected whistleblower under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act.

Cain enjoyed his whistleblower status as early as last summer when he handed over documents to Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, according to Cain’s lawyer, Michael Socarras. Horowitz instructed a top aide to personally hand-deliver the documents to the House and Senate intelligence committees, the attorney said.

The documents reportedly show that federal officials failed to investigate potential criminal activity regarding the Clinton Foundation and Rosatom, the Russian company that purchased Uranium One.

8 Comments on Federal Court Refused To Unseal Documents Justifying FBI Raid On Reported Clinton Foundation Whistleblower

  1. So Gallager was originally nominated by Obama but failed when (if I read it write) she advanced out of committee but the 114th congress ended before a vote could be taken (6 months later). Then Trump renominated her this past October 2018 and he signed her appointment in this past January. She’s the one that signed the original raid order and then sealed up her decision for doing it. Gesner is an outright Clinton appointee so it strikes me that maybe she should have recused herself although her record is actually pretty good.

    Something fishy is going on but until someone can pierce those sealed reasons for justification we may never know. Don’t they realize (or do they care) that these middle of the night raids by SWAT teams against non-violent suspects (or whistleblowers) are making even liberals look at the DOJ as using Gestapo tactics simply to intimidate both the targets and others close the sensitive investigations? The system desperately needs to clean itself before the people decide to do it themselves.

  2. The Swamp is Wide and Deep.
    They don’t even pretend to hide their Treasons – they just dare you to stand up against them.
    Individual FBI members know the reasons, and they are sworn to uphold the Constitution (which, as far as I know, doesn’t sanction Gestapo tactics), so we have to wonder at the silence.

    And to expect a cabal of treasonous criminals to eliminate their own criminal treasonous-es, is naive.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Forget whistleblowing, just take all you can, and if someone tries to make you a scapegoat, waive some papers at him and claim you have more dirt on him than the Clintons do.

  4. Can someone tell me why anyone in the United Ststez has to follow the law

    Politicians don’t
    People in the agencies supposedly working to protect us don’t
    Illegals don’t

    Instead, they all get rewarded for refusing to follow the laws

    So , why should the average American have to ?

  5. So Trump can in fact kill someone on the street in the middle of the day in the middle of Pennsylvania Ave. Then just declare that act classified info, seal all documentation and kill off any witnesses, justifying it all as ‘necessary for national security’.


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