Federal COVID Narratives in Retreat with Boosted Biden’s Infection, Birx Admission, Djokovic Ban – IOTW Report

Federal COVID Narratives in Retreat with Boosted Biden’s Infection, Birx Admission, Djokovic Ban

Just The News-

A week after President Biden claimed people vaccinated against COVID-19 couldn’t get infected, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky contradicted him and warned Americans that vaccination wasn’t even reducing viral loads in infected people, making them vectors of transmission.

To justify his sweeping vaccine mandates for large employers and healthcare workers, the commander-in-chief continued claiming for several months that vaccination stops transmission, getting fact-checked along the way and challenged by data from around the world.

With the fully vaccinated and boosted Biden and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) both contracting COVID in the past week, federal narratives on vaccine effectiveness are in sharp retreat, while the country is progressively souring on each new authorization.

Yale University epidemiologist Harvey Risch theorized on the John Solomon Reports podcast that the antibodies generated by COVID vaccines, based on a long-outdated viral strain, “don’t bind so well” to newer variants such as Omicron.

“Those old antibodies are covering up the surface of the virus, keeping the virus from getting attacked by the new antibodies that the immune system is making” in response to newer variants, he said.

Less than 3% of children ages 6 months through 4 years old have received a first vaccine dose in their first month of authorization, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation’s analysis of CDC figures. Two weeks in, when the numbers peaked, only 1.4% had received a first dose.

This stands in contrast to figures for 5-11 year-olds, 9.3% of whom had received a first dose two weeks after authorization, KFF said. Full-series vaccination has stalled at two-thirds of the population ages 5 and up, and a single booster at 34%, according to CDC data.

Biden’s breakthrough infection prompted his predecessor’s coronavirus response coordinator, Deborah Birx, to admit she “knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection,” telling Fox News host Neil Cavuto Friday that “we overplayed the vaccines.” White House Chief Medical Adviser Anthony Fauci, who served with Birx, recently made a similar admission.

Expressing such “misinformation” on social media was grounds for removal until recently.  more

5 Comments on Federal COVID Narratives in Retreat with Boosted Biden’s Infection, Birx Admission, Djokovic Ban

  1. Interesting to note is the fact that the Biden Buffoon didn’t demand vaxx, masks, or lockdowns for the thousands of illegal zombie herds he allowed into the nation, and neither were any vetted. Biden’s and globalist schemes are to force the illegal zombies into domestic servitude-slavery and seks slaves for his globalist conspirators in addition to grinding them up as food which coincides with the recent reports of how ‘cannablism’ is a thing of late (see spirit cooking), especially applauded by the warped NYTimes and others. Those illegals will rue the day they ever heard the name of the malicious and parasitic Joe Biden.

  2. When I think that the U.S. was poised in 2019 to have the greatest year, ever, in 2020 — on all fronts — I want to weep. Our country’s small businesses — the drivers of our economy — were utterly decimated by a mediocre quack bureaucrat who hasn’t done an honest day’s work his entire life. I bet he was a pimply, easily offended jerk no one liked in H.S. I bet when someone called him Tony he insisted it was “Anthony”.

  3. Meanwhile, my brother is still dead because he was denied early treatment and then pumped full of Remdesivir when admitted to the ICU ten days later.

    It would be a tragedy if these government medical policy wonks had been mistaken, but THEY KNEW and THEY LIED and THEY WITHELD good treatments and MANDATED ineffective and dangerous ones. We survivors are witness to a great evil and these criminals are actually bragging about it.

  4. What does this say about “experts” and “social media”??

    Deborah Birx said, “we knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection, ” Fauci recently made a similar admission.

    Expressing such “misinformation” on social media was grounds for removal until recently.


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