Federal Debt in FY 2016 Jumped $1,422,827,047,452.46 – IOTW Report

Federal Debt in FY 2016 Jumped $1,422,827,047,452.46

(CNSNews.com) – In fiscal 2016, which ended on Friday, the federal debt increased $1,422,827,047,452.46,according to data released today by the U.S. Treasury.

At the close of business on Sept. 30, 2015, the last day of fiscal 2015, the federal debt was $18,150,617,666,484.33, according to the Treasury. By the close of business on Sept. 30, 2016, the last day of fiscal 2016, it had climbed to $19,573,444,713,936.79.

According to the Census Bureau’s latest estimate, there were 118,215,000 households in the United States as of June. That means that the one-year increase in the federal debt of $1,422,827,047,452.46 in fiscal 2016 equaled about $12,036 per household.

The total federal debt of $19,573,444,713,936.79 now equals about $165,575 per household.


11 Comments on Federal Debt in FY 2016 Jumped $1,422,827,047,452.46

  1. See now I call bullshit on the whole household division bit. Yea, pin this all on the citizens when the government had nothing to do with it. The math might work out to $165k per household, but it also works out to $36,585,877,970 per member of congress. You know, the people that actually spend more than they have to make them look good. My household certainly didn’t approve of or have a saying in the robbery of the future.

    It won’t be paid back, it can’t. Not with a debt driven fiat currency. Sad, really. You got no wealth or value.

  2. its all just numbers in a ledger. means nothing to me. clowns with very bad judgement. they think we’re all impressed with the magic tricks they perform to make everything disappear. now I’d be really impressed if they made themselves disappear to never reappear. or they could tag along with elon musk to mars.

  3. It’s treason, pure & simple. This government has sold out our future for what? We used to have a spike in the national debt during war but ain’t no wars but the made up ones that I see.

    What are we getting for this debt? Well you and I aren’t getting squat. The elites are getting another warehouse full of toys & more zeros on their bank accounts.

    Oh wait, you and I are getting the bill in the form of higher inflation, higher taxes, lower standard of living, lower average incomes, more fees, more government bureaucrats, a dollar worth less than 1% of what it was worth 100 years ago and the very real prospect that in a few years we’ll actually look back at this nightmare and call it the good old days.

    Government-Doing The Same Things For The Last 3,000 Years And Expecting Different Results

  4. But they couldn’t keep the gov’t running without a “Continuing Resolution?”

    I smell BULLSHIT!

    We need to hang each and every one of them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Our Federal Government has run out of everyone’s money, but that doesn’t deter the federal government.

    Eliminate foreign payoffs, support of the U.N., corrupt and fraudulent contracts, insider deals, political Pork earmarks, Obamacare healthcare scheme, paying welfare to healthy people not to work, funding “illegal” immigrants housing food and medical, bloated federal hiring, political appointments, huge federal salaries, exempting the elite from damaging legislation and laws, federal litigation against free enterprise and this list goes on and on and on.

    The Federal executive and legislative branches own this, when there’s a question of legality the federal judiciary approves it. The people be damned.

    Big, centralized Federal government Pig provides a tit for every special interest group and contributor to suck the citizenry dry, enslaving future generations to feed the Swine.

    Land of the free? It’s a nice phrase, but increasingly irrelevant. The Federal government dictates who can do it, what you can do, how you do it and when.
    If you are permitted, licensed and approved, be prepared to pay half of what you generate to the Pig.

  6. No problem as ‘Old Hillary’ will tax the super rich (herself excluded) to give every American household $165,575 dollars in free government money to help pay off their debt to the government!

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