Federal Judge Orders FDA to Release Covid ‘Vaccine’ Trial Docs Pfizer Wants Hidden from Public for 75 Years – IOTW Report

Federal Judge Orders FDA to Release Covid ‘Vaccine’ Trial Docs Pfizer Wants Hidden from Public for 75 Years

Slay News-

A federal judge has just ordered the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to release the sealed documents for pharmaceutical Pfizer’s Covid mRNA “vaccine” trials.

Pfizer and the FDA have been battling in the courts to keep the documents hidden from the public for 75 years.

However, the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) brought a high-profile case against the FDA to force the release of over one million pages of documents.

The United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas has just ruled against the FDA and ordered the release of the Pfizer docs.

The files are related to the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid mRNA “vaccine.” more

24 Comments on Federal Judge Orders FDA to Release Covid ‘Vaccine’ Trial Docs Pfizer Wants Hidden from Public for 75 Years

  1. To quote Dan Bongino: “Cutesy time is over!”

    We all know the ONLY reason anyone wants to suppress information for 75 years is so that the perpetrators can be dead and beyond prosecution by then. And so that those who were grieved by their crimes will most likely be dead, senile, or forgetful of the details.

    (Interesting how that has never stopped the Woke Hive Mind from trying to prosecute whitey for their collective crimes against slaves and indians, even those descendants whose ancestors fought and died for slaves’ freedom. But…I digress.)

    POTUS Trump has been recently soft-pedaling (back-pedaling?) his stance on what the Fake News people have all agreed to call “retribution” against the FBI and others who have so grievously wronged us all! This particular episode in American and world history CANNOT be shrugged off with sternly-worded, yet toothless, rhetoric. We must not be mollified by high-sounding speechifying which boils down to “the fog of war”, “too many moving parts”, “nuanced”, legalistic sleight-of-hand sophistry.

    Right here, on this one blog alone, there are people who have either been directly affected or who have had friends, relatives, and acquaintances who have either been terribly harmed for life, or who have died as a result of decisions made by people who can be readily identified. Every single one those people must be held legally and morally accountable for their participation in these crimes against us.

    Our dearest friend, Gerard Van Der Leun, now-deceased owner of the American Digest blog, survived a mid-life heart attack that put him in a weeks-long coma many years ago. He then went on to survive the inferno that burnt down his home and everything in it in the Paradise fire. It is still a mystery to us why so intelligent and circumspect a man would ever get the jab, but he did. And now he’s gone; his life foreshortened by a cancer so virulent that by the time doctors diagnosed his many, unrelated symptoms, he had mere days left.

    His life and the lives of so very many who are dear to their friends and families are worth demanding the truth and to see those who perpetrated this horror prosecuted to the fullest extent possible.

    POTUS Trump and those worthless people who occupy our seats of power must pursue this with righteous fervor or forever tuck their useless tails and slide back into the swamp forever.

  2. Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Disturbing List of Vaccine Ingredients Previously Hidden from Public

    For years, many brave journalists have been reporting on the hidden ingredients within vaccines, while Big Pharma worked with social media giants to suppress the information from reaching the public.
    Now, a brave whistleblower within the ranks of one of the biggest vaccine manufacturers, has finally exposed an array of ingredients, including human fetuses, that were included in the deadly shots.

    In the development of biologics (vaccines), there are six main types of cell lines, four of which involve the use of aborted fetal cells.
    After years of such information being suppressed and censored, and in many cases, journalists losing their lives to get the information out to the public, the truth is finally coming out (included in the list below).

    The aborted fetal cell lines include the WI-38 diploid human cell line, which is made up of fibroblasts taken from the lung tissue of a 3-month-gestation female fetus.
    Vaccines also use the HEK-293 cell line, which is isolated from the kidney of a human embryo and contains the MRC-5 diploid cell line, which consists of fibroblasts isolated from the lung tissue of a white male, 14-week-old embryo.
    Since 1964, vaccines have also been derived from the RA 27/3 cell line, which was taken from attenuated fetal kidney cells.
    Here is the complete list of vaccines containing the WI-38 cell line:
    1. MMR (M-M-R II)
    * Type: Live attenuated
    * Components: Measles, mumps, rubella
    1. MMR (ProQuad)
    * Type: Live attenuated
    * Components: Measles, mumps, rubella, varicella
    1. Varicella (Varivax)
    * Type: Live attenuated
    * Components: Varicella-zoster virus (chickenpox)
    1. Zoster (Zostavax)
    * Type: Live attenuated
    * Components: Varicella-zoster virus (shingles)
    1. Hepatitis A (Havrix)
    * Type: Inactivated
    * Components: Hepatitis A virus
    1. Hepatitis A (Vaqta)
    * Type: Inactivated
    * Components: Hepatitis A virus
    1. Rabies (RabAvert)
    * Type: Inactivated
    * Components: Rabies virus
    1. Rabies (Imovax)
    * Type: Inactivated
    * Components: Rabies virus
    1. Pentacel
    * Type: Combination (inactivated and toxoid)
    * Components: Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP), polio, Hib
    1. Kinrix
    * Type: Combination (inactivated and toxoid)
    * Components: Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP), polio
    1. ProQuad (MMRV)
    * Type: Live attenuated
    * Components: Measles, mumps, rubella, varicella

    Here is the full list of vaccines that contain the HEK-293 cell line:
    1. COVID-19 Vaccines
    * Comirnaty (Pfizer-BioNTech) – mRNA vaccine
    * Spikevax (Moderna) – mRNA vaccine
    * Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca/Oxford) – Viral vector vaccine
    * Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine – Viral vector vaccine
    1. Shingles (Shingrix)
    * Type: Recombinant
    * Components: Recombinant varicella-zoster virus (shingles)
    1. Hepatitis A (Havrix)
    * Type: Inactivated
    * Components: Hepatitis A virus
    1. Hepatitis A (Vaqta)
    * Type: Inactivated
    * Components: Hepatitis A virus
    1. Rabies (RabAvert)
    * Type: Inactivated
    * Components: Rabies virus
    1. Rabies (Imovax)
    * Type: Inactivated
    * Components: Rabies virus
    1. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines
    * Gardasil 9 – Recombinant HPV vaccine
    1. Hepatitis B (HEPLISAV-B)
    * Type: Recombinant
    * Components: Hepatitis B virus surface antigen

    Here is the complete list of vaccines that contain the MRC-5 cell line:
    1. MMR Vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
    * Examples: MMR II (Merck), Priorix (GlaxoSmithKline)
    1. Varicella Vaccine (Chickenpox)
    * Examples: Varivax (Merck), ProQuad (Merck, which combines MMR and varicella)
    1. Hepatitis A Vaccine
    * Examples: Havrix (GlaxoSmithKline), Vaqta (Merck)
    1. Rabies Vaccine
    * Examples: RabAvert (Pfizer), Imovax Rabies (Sanofi Pasteur)
    1. Polio Vaccine (Inactivated Polio Vaccine, IPV)
    * Some IPV vaccines, like those produced by various manufacturers, might use MRC-5 cells in some production processes, though often Vero cells are used.
    1. Shingles Vaccine (Herpes Zoster)
    * Examples: Zostavax (Merck, for older vaccine), Shingrix (GlaxoSmithKline, primarily produced using insect cells, but initial strains may involve MRC-5)
    1. Some Vaccines for Cancer Treatment
    * Examples: Certain experimental cancer vaccines and treatments might use MRC-5 cells.
    1. Certain Influenza Vaccines
    * Some influenza vaccines might use MRC-5 cells in their production process, though this varies widely by manufacturer and formulation.

    Here is the full list of vaccines that contain the RA 27/3 cell line:
    1. MMR Vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
    * MMR II (Merck)
    * Priorix (GlaxoSmithKline)
    1. MMRV Vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella)
    * ProQuad (Merck)
    1. Single Antigen Rubella Vaccine
    * Meruvax II (Merck)
    * MMR (Single Antigen) (Various brands in different countries)

    That’s right, those who took the deadly shots throughout the 2021 jab rollout have been pumping themselves with the blood of slain human beings.
    The vaccines, which have been developed with sickening procedures behind closed doors, need to come out into the sunlight.

    The jabs are advanced gene editing technology that are meant to cause disease, disability, infertility and death.

    You choose poorly.

  3. God please forgive me, but the evil in me would love to see the look of utter terror on the faces of Bill Gates and Tony Fauci as they are strapped down to a table and injected with the same Covid19 “vaccine” they tried to require of every American, and wanted to send the rest of us to re-education camps for noncompliance.

    (and all the booster shots)

  4. 75 years? Let me think what has happened in the last 75 years. Korean war? Check. Vietnam War? Double Check. Sputnik? Yep. Suddenly I am thinking about Billy Joel. If you know, you know

  5. Preemptive Presidential Pardons, 75 years of hiding medical evidence, getting away with NEVER obeying FOIA subpoenas….

    absolutely no evidence of widespread government corruption and Treason ! No, none!


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