Federal Judge Reinstates Obama’s expanded federal authority under the Clean Water Act – IOTW Report

Federal Judge Reinstates Obama’s expanded federal authority under the Clean Water Act

DC: A federal judge in South Carolina issued an injunction against the Trump administration Thursday, lifting a stay on an Obama-era rule that expanded federal authority under the Clean Water Act.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the “waters of the U.S.” (WOTUS) rule in 2015, giving the agency the authority to regulate seasonal and relatively insignificant bodies of water as “navigable waters” under the Clean Water Act. President Donald Trump issued an executive order in February 2017 to review and rewrite the WOTUS rule to constrict its application “consistent with the opinion of Justice Antonin Scalia in Rapanos v. United States.”

Former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt followed up on Trump’s executive order in January, beginning the review process and staying the WOTUS rule until 2020. Thursday’s injunction lifts Pruitt’s order to stay the rule in 26 states, or every state in which a district judge has not already ordered the rule stayed, E&E News reports.


23 Comments on Federal Judge Reinstates Obama’s expanded federal authority under the Clean Water Act

  1. Those other 26 states need to get into court and get stays ASAP.

    @Txn4Evr – There’s a process for that: impeach and convict.

    @IVAN THE GRUMPY – PDJT is filling vacant fed court seats faster than any previous president. Faster would be better, but the Senate takes its time.

  2. Automatic and across-the-board repeal of EVERYTHING done by the muslim Fraud and supported by any of his flunkies should be Job 1. Without apology.

    And any of those rats, who want to selectively quote Justice Scalia whom they murdered, should be throat punched so that their trachea collapses and they suffocate.

  3. I guess I will NOT be putting in that Koi pond for the lovely Mrs Chiggerbug. I would hate to have the government regulating my relatively insignificant body of water.

  4. It was/is a rule, not a law, and it was enacted by Executive Order (EO). Subsequent EO’s supersede previous EO’s. It should be appealed, but that shouldn’t even be necessary. The judge should be dinged for the legal expenses.
    Until then, fair warning is given for epa/feds to stay away from any ponds streams or springs on this property.
    Fair warning given.

  5. The article never gave the judges name or what court he/she/it presided over. Who appointed he/she/it?

    I can usually guess by my predictions are not 100%.
    I generally look nutty judges up.

  6. Left Cost Dan and Toby Miles are spot on. Any EO can be undone by another EO- Obama was not Lord God on high issuing immutable rulings.

    This is a case where the POTUS, any POTUS just laughs at the judge and tells those in the executive branch to carry on like noting happened. Then put out a call to Congress to impeach that incompetent judge for not following the constitution.

  7. I had a much older friend and when we met at the golf course we would often talk politics. He would always say “Judges are destroying this country” and that was before Obama. Thankful he is not here to see what is unfolding now.

  8. Trump can still slow-roll this crap, just like Barky didn’t enforce immigration laws. Nothing the judge commands will be done while this judicial overreach is appealed all the way to SCOTUS and overturned. But it helps the Resistance soothe their throbbing butt hurt for a couple of days, I guess.

  9. @Texan
    They may be hanging around, but still slow walking it. Yesterday Grassley held over 13 nominations. The committee spent 40 minutes so the dems could whine about Kavenaugh before adjourning.
    No sense in voting them out of committee if you can table it for another month. Wouldn’t want to upset the dems!

  10. It’s time to start dealing with the Judges to choose not to enforce the laws of the US. If there is no recall law for Judges in a state then conservatives need to create one. If there is no allowance for a special election triggered when the legislature votes 70% in favor of a Judges removal then create one. I’m sure there are better ideas out there but there are far too many unelected (and elected) Judges out there that feel as if they are the final arbiter in deciding whether a law is right and that must stop else Judges will become targets by those that feel as if elections don’t count anymore.

  11. I’m glad I sold my house already. I left the bird bath, so the new owner can get rid of it if he wants to. Then he can get in trouble for removing the “navigable waters”.



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