Federal judge stops Biden admin’s carbon cost executive order – IOTW Report

Federal judge stops Biden admin’s carbon cost executive order

Just the News:

A federal judge granted a preliminary injunction on Friday against President Joe Biden’s executive order to force a carbon cost on nearly every aspect of American life.

The executive order “established a ‘working group’ of federal appointees to establish a damage value, or ‘social cost,’ based upon global environmental damages from climate changes,” according to the attorney general’s office.

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, who requested the preliminary injunction with the support of nine other states, said on Friday, “Biden’s attempt to control the activities of the American people and the activities of every business from Main Street to Wall Street has been halted today.

“Biden’s executive order was an attempt by the government to take over and tax the people based on winners and losers chosen by the government.”

Landry added, “Agriculture, energy, and virtually every other manufacturing industry is at stake; and today, a federal judge in Louisiana recognized that the federal government does not have this reach. more here

17 Comments on Federal judge stops Biden admin’s carbon cost executive order

  1. I think it is absolutely proper for Americans to pay for the environmental damages we have caused!
    If there were any actual damages…
    Next they will have people apologizing for the color of their skin, oh wait we have already done this one…

  2. Update: Bolsheviks, Stalin and Lenin (from my album to Russia – “MUSS ORG SKY”):

    Stalin: pretty much for Eternity, torture from the 60 million Russians missing genitals, eyes and limbs as well as the farmers of Ukraine left to starve in Ukraine. They are going to get your ass, including your “son”.

    Lenin: 1/2 Eternity…whatever that might mean.

  3. Very early on in the Clinton administration there was a proposal for a Carbon Tax. This was way before the Global Warming hysteria. It was touted by democrats as a way to tax any human activity since every breath we take, every mile we drive, every meal we cook, etc. creates carbon, (dioxide). The whole Climate Change scam has been based on that idea.

  4. wait for it ……….. wait for it …..

    “… today, a federal judge in [New York, Commiepornia, Illinois, et al] recognized that the federal government DOES have this reach.”

  5. a federal judge in Louisiana recognized that the federal government does not have this reach

    A loyal Party member, in Good standing… declares that, as a loyal Party member, in Good standing… it is xis Right to declare that the Party has no Right to declare… this.

    cue the Yoko Ono noise…

  6. They have lots of money. This is about power and control.
    Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Although the puppet masters see it as, absolute power makes you serfs absolutely. Power is more intoxicating than money to this bunch. They want to replace God in our lives.
    Not happening.

  7. Senile Joe wants us to pay a tax for global warming? Why do we have to pay a tax for something that the entire world is “allegedly” causing? China and India are industrialized nations and pump more pollutants into the atmosphere than the U.S., but as usual, WE are the ones who have to pay for it. Glad there is at least one judge who still has some common sense.

  8. It’s never enough. Never. The elites would tax every person in the U.S. at 100% if they could. Yet, it still would not be enough. This bloated leviathan that is called the government would blow through it like a fart in a whirlwind. They would then demand more, but there would be no more. The golden goose would be dead. Yet, our betters just don’t get it.


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