Federal Judge Strikes Down Biden Administration Attempt To Regulate Gun Components – IOTW Report

 Federal Judge Strikes Down Biden Administration Attempt To Regulate Gun Components


A Federal Judge ruled that Biden’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) had overstepped its authority after the ATF sought to regulate unfinished gun parts as part of its ability to regulate arms sales.

According to the Epoch Times, the Judge’s ruling states that the ATF exceeded its authority. Texas Judge Reed O’Connor ruled that parts are not guns and that the ATF’s attempt to regulate them was a violation of federal law. more

11 Comments on  Federal Judge Strikes Down Biden Administration Attempt To Regulate Gun Components

  1. the Court concludes that the government cannot regulate those items without violating federal law, the Court holds that the government’s recently enacted final rule … is unlawful agency action taken in excess of the ATF’s statutory jurisdiction.

    So, what happens when ATF violates federal law?

  2. ^^^^ you mean like when the CIA, FBI or the IRS violate federal law

    … nothing, of course

    in case you missed it, we have become a totalitarian state for a while, now

  3. This will go for pistol braces, too. The ATF is an evil, dog killing, freedom crushing crime syndicate. They should be disbanded and all thrown into prison. They are no better than MS-13.

  4. The ATF simply should never have been established. It is an un-Constitutional, thus, criminal, organization.
    The demonic child of the incest between nihilistic totalitarianism and the IRS – another agency that has no place in a Republic.

    We should repeal the 16th Amendment AND abolish these totalitarian police agencies.

    But, alas, we have to catch the train …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Until there are consequences they will keep throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks.
    People (yes, gov’t employees) need to be fired, lose their pensions, and be subject to lawsuits. Do it once and 99% of the rest will stop.


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