Federal Racial Discipline Quotas Create Chaos In St. Paul Schools – IOTW Report

Federal Racial Discipline Quotas Create Chaos In St. Paul Schools

TheFederalist: Schools in St. Paul, Minnesota, are out for the summer, and kids are basking in the rare Minnesota sun. As families head to the lake, there’s an overwhelming sense of relief that school is over.

But this is not the usual end-of-school rejoicing, for it hasn’t been an ordinary year in St. Paul. Just days after the last school bell rang, a dramatic uprising of teachers, parents, and school board members ousted Superintendent Valeria Silva.

Silva’s approach to school discipline sparked the revolt. Her policies, initiated in 2010, launched the St. Paul schools on a downward spiral of chaos and violence. In December 2015, Ramsey County attorney John Choi labeled the situation “a public health crisis.” In 2015, assaults on teachers in St. Paul schools reported to his office tripled compared to 2014, and were up 36 percent over the previous four-year average.

Teachers, Students Fear for Their Safety

On Silva’s watch, the city’s high schools have become menacing places where gangs of out-of-control teens prowl the halls, and “classroom invasions” by students settling private disputes are commonplace.  read more


ht/ Blazing Cat Fur.

13 Comments on Federal Racial Discipline Quotas Create Chaos In St. Paul Schools

  1. This is bullshit, so if the ferals, niggas, coons and BLM types can’t be held accountable then this is what they should expect. But if some white kid (or their parents) even bothers to act up or protest this bs their ass is grass. I hate political correctness, wrong is still wrong no matter what color or race etc. you are.

  2. If these deep collectivists want equality of outcome then they simply must address the fact that non-black students suffer assaults and injuries inflicted on them by black students with higher frequency disproportionate to the the rate that black students are assaulted and injured by non-blacks.

    Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh! Watcha gonna do now, morons?

  3. I’m impressed. A very good friend of mine retired from teaching in St. Paul schools last year. He said it was because the school administrators were running the schools like a business. I think otherwise – I think he feared for his life.

    Businesses can’t function when their employees cause havoc. If the schools were run like a business, the kids that caused all this mayhem would have been “fired” instead of coddled.

    Last time I talked to my friend I asked him what he thought of this. He said that kids need “law and order” just like the rest of civilization. That’s why I’m impressed. He just might become a conservative after all.

  4. @geoff the aardvark and flower guy July 31, 2016 at 11:24

    But, as a loyal citizen, you agree that right and wrong still depends on who’s signing your attackers’ checks? Don’t you? I mean BLM (Black Lives Matter) telling you to “shut up, give us your cameras, and get out of here” is still bad, but BLM (Bureau of Land Management) telling you to “shut up, give us your cameras, and get out of here” is still good, right?

  5. Riot shotguns. 2 bean bag rounds to get their attention, 1 rock salt round just to be nice, and if they still don’t get the message, .00 buckshot in the other rounds.

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