Federal secrets spill on COVID origins amid rodent research on risks of lab mods, vax in pregnancy – IOTW Report

Federal secrets spill on COVID origins amid rodent research on risks of lab mods, vax in pregnancy

Fauci advisor who said he used Gmail to avoid FOIA allegedly denies bad behavior in congressional interview. “Autism-like behavior” observed in male rats whose pregnant mothers were given Pfizer COVID vaccine. more

9 Comments on Federal secrets spill on COVID origins amid rodent research on risks of lab mods, vax in pregnancy

  1. nicebead – you seem to think that ONLY China was involved. FAUXI funded all of this with YOUR tax dollars. Possibly UNC was involved, along with Ft. Detrick. China is just the “untouchable” patsy in all of this. They were the instigators so that they could lay the foundation of “lockdowns” that everyone else piled onto. For them, it was a way to EXTERMINATE their political undesireables. For everyone else, it was a way to impose tyranny and to see just how compliant everyone would be. But to think that this is all a China thing is beyond naive.

  2. I’m so pissed about this I can’t see straight. I noted many times in this space that these vaxxines were COMPLETELY lacking in gestational, teratological, and developmental studies that COULD NOT have been done because there was simply not enough time, and yet these were presented by every politician in the land as sAfE aNd EfFeCtIvE for pregnant women and children. I KNEW the PDR ALWAYS listed a passage concerning such studies and the hazards to pregnancies…except in THIS case as the EULA released them from having to bother with annoying things like that.

    I KNEW this, ME, despite being little more than a medical fan boy, basically a hobbyist with only a soupçon of formal training, as little as I know, I KNEW THIS.

    That means people who are ACTUAL medical professionals, doctors and nurses and epidemiologists and OB-Gyns and NIH directors would KNOW THIS FAR MORE THAN I WOULD, AND SIMPLY CHOSE TO BLUESKY THE FUCK OUT OF IT ANYWAY, PATIENTS BE DAMMED, MOTHERS BE DAMMED, DEVELOPING BABIES BE DAMNED, for reasons ranging from PC jobkeeping to political partisan hacker’s, AND NO INTEREST OR ADVOCACY FOR THE MOST VULNERABLE PATIENTS OF ALL THAT THEY TOOK AN OATH TO “FIRST, DO NO HARM”.


    …and the hell of it is that we won’t KNOW the true scale and horror of the damage they’ve done, the children they’ve physically and mentally crippled, the infants born with turbo cancers and a lifetime of myocardial scarring until many years after all these old bastards have been claimed by Time for Satan, if we even know THEN because of the HUGE conspiracy the ENTIRE COMPLIANT MEDICAL WORLD IS IN JUST TO PROTECT THEMSELVES NOW.

    Pretty hard to admit you knowingly maimed and killed the babies of people who came to you to PROTECT them, nicht wahr?

    I can see where that would be a topic you wouldn’t want to discuss.

    I had to personally deal, AS AN ELECTRICIAN with knowledge of other things, with pre-eclampsic pregnant co-workers doing the Funky Chicken sideways on cracked concrete floors surrounded by merciless machinery and moron gawkers. I know one such lost her baby later at the hospital. I have had nephews, plural, born after that time that have a range of physical and possibly mental issues that were never present in either parent’s family before. I know one blogger here who I believe lost one of his twin grandchildren to this bullshit.


    HOW many are ruined? HOW many are maimed? HOW many will die painfully with their short lives made a hell by cancers they never should have had?

    And how many were unwittingly destroyed in the womb by mothers who were tole this would PROTECT them???

    We may never know.

    But there must be payment for each one.

    God will deal with them in inescapable justice, true.

    But they should be sent to Him in the quickest and most painful way possible to prevent them from butchering MORE.


    …I wanted to say something about how there’s no reason to not do bullshit to avoid FOIA as the Hillary Clinton exemption apparently protects all Communists who choose to violate that law, but it doesn’t really matter.

    A genocide was allowed to happen.


    …and yet people continue to go to their “doctors” for MORE.

    …against that, disclosures don’t really seem to matter.

    Seeing as how no amount of PROOF seems to be enough to even get these bastards FIRED, let alone jam well-earned meat hooks under their living chins…

  3. Since I got it bad on December 3rd, 2019, it must have been passing around months before. I know they supposedly had military exercises in Wuhan in September of 2019.

    The way it propagated, obviously the chink bastards intentionally spread it around cities all over the world.
    It was never meant to be contained nor could it ever be.

    If I could push a button and nuke China I would in a second.
    Evil scum!


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