Federal tax judge allows whistleblower case against Clinton foundation to proceed – IOTW Report

Federal tax judge allows whistleblower case against Clinton foundation to proceed


A federal judge is allowing a whistleblower complaint to proceed against the Clinton Foundation, ruling the IRS “abused its discretion” in trying to dismiss allegations of nonprofit wrongdoing by one of America’s most famous political families.

U.S. Tax Court Judge David Gustafson denied the Internal Revenue Service’s request for a summary motion, ruling the whistleblower complaint by John Moynihan, a former Drug Enforcement Agency official, and Larry Doyle, a corporate tax compliance expert, “provided ‘specific credible documentation’ supporting their allegations” of possible tax-exempt legal violations by the Clinton charity based in Arkansas.

Gustafson said the agency’s Whistleblower Office (WB) wrongly denied Moynihan’s and Doyle’s claims simply because the IRS Criminal Investigation (CI) office sent an email saying the issues in the complaint were closed. The judge said he had reason to believe from the evidence that the IRS and the FBI engaged in some investigative activity. more here

12 Comments on Federal tax judge allows whistleblower case against Clinton foundation to proceed

  1. …and the judge’s family was shocked that they never knew he was suicidal, because he hid it so well right up until the day he shot himself in the back of the head two times before stuffing himself in a gym bag during that plane crash onto the railroad tracks…

  2. In an unrelated story, U.S. Tax Court Judge David Gustafson was found dead this morning from “natural causes”, with his hands tied behind his back and a plastic bag over his head.

    Edit: SNS is a faster typist than I.

  3. Well, if we have waited 4+ years to see ThunderCankles in jail, it will have been well worth the wait.

    I’m hoping for that outcome. Horndog Bill should join her there. It would be perfect if they have to share the same 10’x 20′ cell. Before long, they would tear each other apart. That would be a truly funny outcome.

  4. “On October 17, 1931, the jury found Capone guilty, and he was sentenced to 11 years in prison — one of the most severe tax evasion sentences in history. Capone served most of that time in the island prison of Alcatraz. Al Capone was widely assumed to have been behind the Massacre, but he ultimately went to prison for tax evasion.”~The Internets

    That’s what I thought.

    Now watch her show up in court with mobile oxygen and a nurse.

  5. The #1 reason for never voting for (D)irtbags, is that their evil goes uninvestigated, unpunished, ignored in the news media – similar to how terrorists are handled. Fear is a major motivator, and the true cowards are the ones who can’t admit they are afraid to speak out against the criminal crap that rule us. Those who are well paid to administer our justice system should either have enough guts or get out.

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