Feds Beg For A 5th Shot At Prosecuting Bundy – IOTW Report

Feds Beg For A 5th Shot At Prosecuting Bundy


DCNF:   Feds Beg For A Fifth Shot At Prosecuting Bundy Clan After Failing Four Times In A Row

Federal prosecutors are asking an Arizona judge to give them another shot at convicting Cliven Bundy on charges related to a 2014 armed standoff between the rancher and federal agents, The Oregonian reports.

U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro dismissed charges against Bundy, his two sons and supporter Ryan Payne last month after finding federal prosecutors had lied to the court and hid exculpatory evidence that favored the defendants’ case. Navarro dismissed the case “with prejudice,” barring a retrial.

Prosecutors filed a motion Wednesday claiming Navarro dismissed them before considering a more appropriate solution to the civil rights violations that occurred during the trial last year, according to The Oregonian.

“This case has major ramifications for all public lands law enforcement officers,” the motion said. “Dismissing this entire case with prejudice, based on the government’s non-disclosure of mostly duplicative evidence of law enforcement’s pre-impoundment surveillance and preparation, would encourage the defendants, their supporters and the public to disrespect the law and the lawful orders of the courts.”

The four men were indicted on charges of conspiracy and threatening federal officers. The defendants claimed they acted in self-defense.

Before Navarro ended the trial in a mistrial, about 3,000 pages of stifled evidence were turned over to the court.

The evidence included defendants’ requests for multiple federal assessments that showed the Bundy family was likely not violent. Prosecutors called the requests part of a “long list of frivolous and vexatious pleadings,” until a government witness, under cross examination, revealed knowledge of the assessments in court, The Oregonian reports.  read more

46 Comments on Feds Beg For A 5th Shot At Prosecuting Bundy

  1. In the ’82 SOTU America’s greatest, an last decent, President said, “… THE GOVERNMENT SI THE PROBLEM!”! He was right! Ronnie is still right! And will forever beright! The Bundy attacks are just another exmple of how “THE GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM!”!#?%*@!#!

  2. Trump:Pardon time! Then go after the feds who killed citizens at Ruby Ridge, Waco and Oregon. Those people may not have been right, but fed actions were not acceptable to patriots.

  3. U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro dismissed charges against Bundy, his two sons and supporter Ryan Payne last month after finding federal prosecutors had lied to the court and hid exculpatory evidence that favored the defendants’ case. Navarro dismissed the case “with prejudice,” barring a retrial.

    Prosecutors filed a motion Wednesday claiming Navarro dismissed them before considering a more appropriate solution to the civil rights violations that occurred during the trial last year

    More appropriate to “You’ve already been lying, so what lie can you lie now?” How about the public, mass execution, all in one go, of all names appearing on the prosecution’s side of the record? Hand the “evidence” over to some, probably just as incorrigibly prevaricating, new team. They can decide if they want another go.

  4. This is all about grazing cattle on Federal lands that weren’t Federal when they were permitted to graze cattle there for 100 years….RIGHT?…. then they controlled some water to water their cows so the cows wouldn’t die….RIGHT?….then they started a controlled back burn to squelch a wild fire that was gonna threaten their land, property and animals….RIGHT?….fix my opinion if I’m wrong….


    I count ALL domestic law enforcement as jack-booted thugs. I don’t just pick-n-choose the worst actors such as ATF and BLM.

    They are all unaccountable, investigate themselves, are allowed to lie to the public to get convictions, and this time were just caught by a judge.

  6. These reptiles got a taste for this long before Waco or Ruby Ridge. You can’t retrain a dog that has a taste for blood, you can only put it down or pay for your folly with more innocent blood.

  7. I really like this bit: “Dismissing this entire case with prejudice.. would encourage the defendants, their supporters and the public to disrespect the law and the lawful orders of the courts.”

    Unpack that a bit. It’s become a conceptual trope, like Mr. Rogers’ “Always look for the helpers”. When it comes to clowns like administrative statists, always look to what they’re projecting.

    They already have no respect for us or the rule of law that applies to EVERYONE, and they intend to keep it that way.

  8. “…would encourage the defendants, their supporters and the public to disrespect the law and the lawful orders of the courts.”

    That’s rich coming from the federal government.

  9. Let’s hope that Trump smacks down these dangerous, self important Barney Fife types. Heck, a fishing cop is a bigger danger to citizens than a regular cop. I’ve never been hassled by a real cop. The fishing cops strut about hoping for an infraction. Same goes with game wardens, blm and likewise.

    Little men with big aspirations and little minds looking to make a name for themselves.

  10. “…would encourage the defendants, their supporters and the public to disrespect the law and the lawful orders of the courts.”

    You earn respect. These people are still Butt Hurt they got flanked at the original Bundy Ranch confrontation. Could get a lot worse ass holes.

  11. Weird, but, when I first looked at the picture of Lady Justice, with the tipped scales, I saw Hillary.

    While it’s bad to read this news, I do have better thoughts, knowing that we now have a President who actually sees us Americans the free people we are not subjects. The past reign stunk so badly that, the awful stink lingers still.

    Unreal at how there remains a mindset to ruin our God blessed country. I am grateful and truly believe that devine intervention spared us another, without any exaggeration, horrific presidency.

    I always remember an incident when the Iranians had us kneeling onboard our own boat as our elected secretariat of state, thanked 7th century savages for sparing out lives; as if it was theirs to take.

    Over the past year I’ve been relieved to have leadership looking out for our side. Maybe I’m
    too reminded of that pre-Trump time. Then I remember, in a similar way, how Reagan showed up, after Jimmah. I got to serve under both the second worst and the greatest POTUS’s.

    Also, as the scumbag Lester Holt was part of the pre-Olympic telecast tonight, it’s time for me to not watch and chill.


  12. Went well beyond malicious prosecution a long time ago. What this country needs is a good, well written constitution……oh wait, we already have one….paging jeff sessions, hello?

  13. Most people in the US have no idea who the Bundys are, never mind LaVoy Finicum. I have watched Finicum’s lecture on the Constitution several times….. ….it always makes me cry. I am grateful for this gift from him, before he was murdered.


    One day, I hope, Americans may realize that there are heroes — real heroes — among us today, standing up for the Constitution. Perhaps, in future, LaVoy Finicum and the Bundys will make it into the history books. ….Lady in Red

  14. What actually happened at the original confrontation has been scrubbed from the internet. Unless you were watching the play by play as it actually happened you would have no way of knowing. But The Oathkeepers carried the day. And the Feds left with their tails between their legs. And yes they are Butt Hurt.

  15. Lady in Red, not a problem. It’s just that I’m not exactly Sherlock Holmes so I can’t take 1 or 2 sentences and come to a conclusion. It’s possible I will figure out who stands where, but it is just as likely I’ll always be a little unsure. Nothing personal.

  16. “Brown Eyed Girl”

    The same reason the Park Service needs snipers and School Districts and the Social Security Administration is flush with tactical weapons. They have identified the enemy. And it is us.

  17. What’s so funny, Bradley? You try getting thirty bow-legged, alpha males in a room and make ’em stop talking and listening for a change…. ….it’s logistics! …smile… ….Lady in Red

  18. The point is: I value the OathKeepers. When the shit hits the fan, more than local government, they are *my* first line of defense. They are good. They are smart. They are trained….

    (….and I ain’t too bad.) ….Lady in Red

  19. Again, The Crisis of Competence continues. Take their goddamn law licenses away and disbar the prosecutors.

    The abolish the ATF. As the saying goes, great name for a store and a terrible name for a government agency.

  20. @Bongo February 10, 2018 at 9:48 pm

    > What this country needs is a good, well written constitution……oh wait, we already have one….

    And it’s working just fine. Well, at least, according to design.

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