Feds charge 40 Chinese police officials for repression efforts against U.S. residents – IOTW Report

Feds charge 40 Chinese police officials for repression efforts against U.S. residents

JTN: The Department of Justice on Monday announced that it had charged more than 40 individuals, many of whom are members of the Chinese national police, in connection with transnational repression schemes to stifle the activities of Chinese citizens abroad.

Two criminal complaints included charges against 44 defendants, 40 of whom are part of the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) while another two are officials in the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC). The defendants allegedly partook in efforts to target Chinese individuals with political viewpoints of which the communist regime does not approve.

The first complaint targets 34 MPS officials, detailing their alleged use of fake digital personas to harass Chinese opponents of the communist regime. The operators of these fake accounts also made videos and wrote articles critical of U.S. policy on China and of Chinese dissidents.

The second complaint charges 10 individuals, six of whom are MPS officials. Two more are the CAC officials while the third is an China-based employee of a U.S. telecommunications company and the tenth is believed to reside in Indonesia. They face charges of conspiracy to commit interstate harassment and unlawful conspiracy to transfer means of identification. more

4 Comments on Feds charge 40 Chinese police officials for repression efforts against U.S. residents

  1. Can there be any doubt China is our enemy? Trump had it right. Yank every American business out of China. Charge a tariff on their products. Promote business and manufacturing in the USA. Promote doing business with our allies.
    punish those who side with the Chicoms. Stop the flow of American dollars into that cesspool. Of course that’s kind of hard to do when our current president is on their payroll.

  2. Nothing will come of this. Xi Jinping will yank on Biden’s leash and tell him to have the charges dropped and the Chinese henchmen released. And Pedo Joe will do that….because Xi has a TON of blackmail material on the Biden Family Crime Syndicate…and a lot of other Demonrats in office.


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