Feds don’t want to resettle Afghan refugees in California because it is too expensive – IOTW Report

Feds don’t want to resettle Afghan refugees in California because it is too expensive

Just The News: Afghan refugees looking to resettle in the U.S. are being discouraged from picking California as a destination, despite the state having significant Afghan population centers.

In the days after the U.S. announced it would resettle refugees fleeing a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, governors across the country made statements welcoming refugees.

“We’re a state of refuge,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Aug. 16 during a news conference. “I’m proud of the fact that, over the last decade, California’s taken in more refugees than any other state in America, and I’m proud of the fact a disproportionate number of Afghani refugees are here in Northern California, not just here in the south, but also up in Sacramento County.”

Newsom said the state already was working with nonprofit organizations to “make sure that they feel welcome and celebrated as members of our community.” read more

6 Comments on Feds don’t want to resettle Afghan refugees in California because it is too expensive

  1. …sounds like they want NorCal just as infected and evil as the South, and they’re working hard to make it happen…gotta give the devil his due, Dems are masters of identifying places that aren’t fully evil yet and flooding them with minions until they are, and no one ever stops them…a couple more years like this, they won’t even NEED to cheat any more as every place they identified will be thoroughly impregnated with people who hate us as much as they do, and very strategicly so…

  2. Immigration doesn’t work and serves only to screw up our own country. Any elected goon that is “proud” to have taken in immigrants of any kind is proud to have taken part in the complete assfucking of his own countrymen. Problems with other countries around the world should not be our problems.

    Explained with gumballs

  3. We’ve got enough muzzies in California. I’m happy it’s too expensive for them to live here. That’s why people are cashing in and moving out. It’s so bad for one couple here (she’s obese and a smoker), decided to go to Oklahoma. Yes, they’re leaving California for a better life! I always leave them with my words of wisdom: “Wherever you go there you are.” I’ve got horrors story to tell of friends who left and are worse off than if they had stayed. /just saying


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