Feds Drop Almost All Charges Against Illegal Alien Driver of U-Haul Who Attempted to Ram White House Gate, Kill and Kidnap Biden/Harris – IOTW Report

Feds Drop Almost All Charges Against Illegal Alien Driver of U-Haul Who Attempted to Ram White House Gate, Kill and Kidnap Biden/Harris

This is sketch AF.

CTH: On Monday night Sai Varshith Kandula, 19, of Chesterfield, Missouri, attempted to crash a U-Haul truck through the security perimeter of the White House.  He was arrested while saying he was attempting to kill and kidnap Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Oddly, during the event the Capitol Police never called the bomb squad, never moved the crowd or media back away from the truck, and simply opened the vehicle and started placing the contents -including a swastika flag- on the ground for the media to photograph.  The entire event, including the way the authorities handled the truck, was seriously sketchy. MORE

23 Comments on Feds Drop Almost All Charges Against Illegal Alien Driver of U-Haul Who Attempted to Ram White House Gate, Kill and Kidnap Biden/Harris

  1. Billy, Danny and little Johnny are bragging about their dads…
    Billy sez: “My dad’s a doctor!”
    The other boys: Oh cool!
    Danny sez: “My dad’s a lawyer!”
    The other boys: “Awsome!”
    Little Johny sez: “My dad’s an FBI agent!”
    The other boys: “Honest?”
    Little Johnny: “Naaaaw… the regular kind!”

  2. nunyo bidness
    AT 11:14 AM
    “we deserve better psyops”

    Agreed. They aren’t even trying any more. I think they’re doing this to be deliberately insulting now, and for their own amusement, and possibly as a loyalty test to see how many of their Internet warriors vehemently defend anything they say no matter how transparently stupid it may be…

  3. The feds are terrible at this stuff.
    It’s pathetic.
    If they have that much time, money and agents to play dress up and fake terrorist attacks they obviously have too much of all of them. Defund the FBI!

  4. SNS
    nunyo bidness
    “we deserve better psyops”
    I was thinking about when this BS started.
    We know J6 was a psyop operation.
    Let’s go back to George Floyd. What if he was given a hot dose and sent to the store. Why did the clerk check a phony $20 bill? Did it matter which cops showed up, so long as they were white? Was Chauvin in on it? He didn’t seem concerned that he was being videoed from all angles.
    Minneapolis payed $27 Million To family. The go-fund me raised another $14 Million.
    Were all the protest sites chosen to build the new 15 minute cities?
    Were all the main protest cities Dem controlled?
    How many $Billions damage is these protests?

    “George Floyd protests around the world”
    Scroll down to see the US cities.

  5. Anonymous AT 11:15 AM
    “homos, illegal aliens, muslims, negros – the protected classes of america”

    Col. Angus AT 11:20 AM
    “^^^^anon 11:15

    Combine all four and you could be elected President.”

    …It WAS in 2008.

  6. “It didn’t go as planned. One of the agents forgot to load the ammonium nitrate.”
    Couldn’t get past the smell, too much like his live-in boyfriend.


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