Feds Jail Montana Man for Carrying Gun *Near* School – IOTW Report

Feds Jail Montana Man for Carrying Gun *Near* School

*A Great Case for Constitutional Challenge*

15 Comments on Feds Jail Montana Man for Carrying Gun *Near* School

  1. Montana isn’t nearly as red as it was it’s changed a lot. The laws don’t yet reflect the purple shades developing but we actually just rejected Referendum 131 which would’ve mandated medical attention to born alive infants: can you believe that? Who would vote against that? Pretty sad because montana is beautiful.

    The college towns are liberal of course and a lot of leftist out of staters moving in.

  2. Many years back, when the federal government passed that stupid ‘law’ prohibiting possession of a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school, I called those goofy bastards at the nearest federal courthouse. I told them I lived across the road from a school and asked if I would be in violation of that law. The DA told me that technically I would be in violation, but that I probably wouldn’t be charged under those circumstances. I began to rip into that crazy bastard and told him what a complete, four-flushing asshole he was for even saying something so damn stupid. This was in the days before caller ID and when he asked who I was, I told him to f**k off. Our government reeks!

  3. If you think the cops are on the side of the law, think again. If you think the courts are on the side of justice, think again. If you think a jury of your peers are your peers, or even slightly sentient, think again.

  4. It is important to remember that under the federal gun free school zone act, unless you have a CWFL (in Florida anyway), you are committing a Federal crime punishable up to 5 years in prison if you carry a firearm within 1,000 feet of a gun free school zone. Period. However, if one has a concealed permit, he is exempted from that Federal law. In Florida, we now have Constitutional concealed carry. It is still against the law to go on school property with a firearm-felony for non permit holders, misdemeanor for permit holders. Individuals who do not possess a carry permit in Florida and have a firearm in their auto are violating federal law every time they drive through a school zone. If you are driving over the posted speed limit (usually 20mph) and you are pulled over and act like a belligerent jerk to the officer, you are in jeopardy of being prosecuted and being sent to a federal lockup for 5 years. While this law is stupid and needs to be changed, still, it behooves gun owners to know the law.

  5. In Maine the law says you can’t carry on school property.
    We have one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the country and constitutional carry and the state constitution says no one can take our right to have guns away.
    Sounds like Montana is a lot like Maine now. Liberals have moved in and are changing things quickly except for gun laws as they are in our constitution.

    This case seems like a Karen or Ken gone out of control.
    People love to tattle.
    We had the cops called on us because we were target practicing in our yard with a pink Cabela’s spring action bb gun. Thankfully the cops were sensible. They said just be careful and left.

    Covid tyranny has made Karens feel empowered.

  6. The process is the punishment.

    He may well prevail in the SC. They may even strike down the law.

    Meanwhile, he languishes in prison, has no income, loses his job, loses his house, his mother – who he apparently already had saftey concerns for – is unprotected and probably put on the streets herself, gets indebted to lawyers, and is looking at 5 years.

    It will take more time than that to even get to appelate court.

    …meanwhile, he won’t be getting the best of lawyers. Unless some gun rights organization takes an interest, he’ll get pro bono “plead and leave” lawyers. How enthusiastic are they going to be to take an unpaid, nobody, low-profile case that the media will DEFINITELY bury all the way to the Supreme Court?

    …That is the essesnce of lawfare.

    Its not that you won’t win,

    It’s just that you can’t afford to fight.

    And they, with their taxpayer funded TEAMS of lawyers, KNOW that…

  7. beachmom AT 7:15 AM
    “In Maine the law says you can’t carry on school property.
    We have one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the country and constitutional carry and the state constitution says no one can take our right to have guns away.
    Sounds like Montana is a lot like Maine now. Liberals have moved in and are changing things quickly except for gun laws as they are in our constitution.”

    …in Ohio we’re about to lose 2A protection on the State level since Democrats scared women about not being able to kill their babies in order to keep it so it is easy to change the Ohio Constitution with a 50+1 majority instead of 2/3rds like every other state, and it doesn’t even have to be petitioned in more than a few of the 88 counties. So Communist centers like Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton, and Cleveland are sufficient to change the OH constitution without even ASKING the rural counties to put it on the BALLOT, and after they make infanticide a Constitutional right, along with making getting high a Constitutional right, they plan to start taking away scary guns; and so it will be another bunch of people sent to prision for guns they already have until it wends its way to the Federal courts, by which time the 47 Affirmative Action “justices” appointed by President Newsome will more than likely affirm that guns are bad OK, and the decent into Commie Hell will continue apace…


  8. Don’t talk to the police and most definitely don’t talk to the feds. The only possible exception being rural sheriffs and deputies.
    IOW, try that in a small town.

  9. It helps to view cops as just another street gang, wearing uniforms, sanctioned by government, who can kill you, your family & your dog, and get away with it.
    check out reports on how ‘helpful’ they’ve been at disasters like NO and Oahu, just to mention 2.
    Plan & act accordingly.

  10. “Now see here, Guy,” said the voice, “you’re not dealing with any dumb two-bit trigger pumping morons with low hair-lines, little piggy eyes and no conversation, we’re a couple of intelligent caring guys that you’d probably quite like if you met us socially! I don’t go around gratuitously shooting people and then bragging about it afterward in seedy space-rangers bars, like some cops I could mention! I go around shooting people gratuitously and then I agonize about it afterward for hours to my girlfriend!”
    “And I write novels!” chimed in the other cop. “Though I haven’t had any of them published yet, so I better warn you, I’m in a meeeean mood!”
    Douglas Adams, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”

  11. The PROCESS IS THE PUNISHMENT. Regardless of the outcome this poor man’s life will be destroyed. He’ll likely be bankrupted by the legal costs, may lose his job and it’s possible that if married, his wife will leave him. And THAT is the whole purpose behind such pointless unconstitutional legal cases. He is going to be publicly crucified by the “system” to keep the rest of the sheeple scared and in line. The criminals in power regularly select some random schmuck to destroy using the “justice” (sic) system as a means to send the message that THEY are in charge and there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it.


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