Feds Spend $267,946 Studying ‘Older Same-Sex Partner Caregivers’ – IOTW Report

Feds Spend $267,946 Studying ‘Older Same-Sex Partner Caregivers’


The National Institutes of Health is spending over $250,000 to study the “under-researched” group of “older same-sex partner caregivers.”

Two projects awarded last month seek to understand how “sexual orientation contextualizes” approaches to caregiving and to uncover “problematic” caregiving techniques.

“Despite estimates of 3 million gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender older persons today, doubling in the next two decades, to date, older same-sex partner caregivers have received little research attention,” according to a grant awarded to Virginia Tech.

The study, which has received $192,446 from taxpayers, will examine 60 couples, both same-sex and heterosexual, in order to “pinpoint how caregivers draw upon existing gender repertoires.”

“The resulting caregiving approaches influence the particular areas of care work that will be found problematic, the ways caregivers might respond to these challenges, and the extent to which such strategies help caregivers effectively perform their work,” the grant states.

Last year, the NIH spent $142,974 studying elderly LGBT adults who have Alzheimer’s. Now the government is funding research into the sexual orientation of caregivers.

Researchers at Virginia Tech are interested in how sexual orientation and “expanding notions of gender” influences how people care for the elderly.

“This study asks how sexual orientation shapes gender repertories, given that the division of labor among gay and lesbian couples must be negotiated, and examines how this shapes caregiving approaches and experiences,” the grant states.  more here

7 Comments on Feds Spend $267,946 Studying ‘Older Same-Sex Partner Caregivers’

  1. “Jobs for the Boys!, er or Girls, or Whatever” “Trebles All Around”!

    Actually my niece who is very smart works at NIH now as a Project Manager. She came from California where she spent around 15 years working for pharmaceutical companies and unfortunately becoming a Democrat supporting socialist in the slightly less insane mold of Occasional-Cortex. She got the DC job because of somebody she knew who knew someone else so the job never went out to tender despite my niece never working as a PM before. I have no doubt she’s doing extremely well (and I hope is on some worthwhile project that actually could better the lives of people and not crap like this) and is worth every dime she’s being paid however she should not have gotten the job that way especially being a non-American. We don’t talk to much anymore and the odd time we do (holidays mostly) we make sure it’s basic chit-chat. Years ago she used to be a small “c” conservative before taking the San Jose job. Those goddamn California leftists.

  2. Researchers at Virginia Tech are interested in how sexual orientation and “expanding notions of gender” influences how people care for the elderly.

    “Researchers”? We used to call those “chronic masturbaters”. (And point them to where they could search for that “gay grandpa” stuff. Online. For free. Just make sure you never shake their hands. Nor click any links they send you, in the future. Ever.)

  3. In my experience none of these bullshit “identity” sub categories has any impact on quality of care. I have seen it all, holy schnike truth is stranger than fiction. It’s on a case by case basis, a matter of individual integrity and character. Granted, I did see one super queer grandson who was a CNA while studying cosmetology, he would make his granny sublimely happy because she looked divine every day, scrubbed buffed and polished to an art. But then theres the angry lesbian who is trying to start a small private hospice house because she figured theres big money to be had leaving oversedated people to rot in their beds while you both take their SS check as well as sell their hospice supplies and meds out the back door. Tells me shes called by God to care for the less fortunate. Asks me for referrals. As if.

    Someone wants to create the narrative that the alphabet soup is more of a “sparkly unicorn super-compassionate nurturer because of their struggles and suffering therefore better than a convservative hetero” group.

    No. Just, no.

    No one…. NO ONE can predict how they will rise to the challenge of being a primary caregiver. I have seen assholes step up and be amazing, I have seen wonderful spouses fold up like a wet paper bag and run away.

    What a waste, but then again… “study” and “federal dollars” pretty much seals the deal.


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