Feds Spend 620K On NYC Tranny Trackers – IOTW Report

Feds Spend 620K On NYC Tranny Trackers

WFB: Feds Spend $620,133 Tracking Transgender Women of Color in NYC

‘We will know the travel patterns of transwomen’

The National Institutes of Health is spending over $600,000 to use GPS tracking on transgender women of color in New York City.

The study, being conducted by New York University, is tracking transwomen on and off for two years to “know the travel patterns” of transwomen to mobilize HIV prevention efforts.

“This project seeks to use real-time geospatial methods to investigate relationships between social cohesion and social capital within Global Positioning System (GPS)-defined activity space neighborhoods and social networks in relation to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) uptake and adherence cross-sectionally and longitudinally among transgender women (TW) of color (TWOC) in the New York City metropolitan statistical area (MSA) followed over two years,” according to the grant for the project.

The study is recruiting New Yorkers who identify as transgender women, which the grant defines as “individuals who were assigned a male sex at birth who identify as women, female, trans women, trans female, male-to-female or another diverse trans feminine gender identity on the spectrum.”

Study subjects must also be between 18 and 55 years old, have no plans to move away from New York City within the next two years, and be willing to “carry a small GPS device for two-weeks at five points over the course of two years.”  more here

21 Comments on Feds Spend 620K On NYC Tranny Trackers

  1. Great. Just great. We’re 23 trillion dollars in debt and the government either does not care, is totally oblivious, or they actually believe we can spend our way out of bankruptcy. Remember these acts of fiscal irresponsibility when government employees whine because their pensions are drastically reduced and they’re asking us to bail them out.

  2. “TWOC” – I’ve heard that sound somewhere but I just can’t quite place it. Maybe it’s the sound an eggplant makes when it hits the sidewalk after being dropped from the 12th floor by a Transsexual Woman Of Color.

    Does the govt involvement in this study get its authorization from the Commerce Clause because the TWOCs are hookers, or the clause about promoting useful arts because TWOCs have to use so much face paint? Oh, I guess buying a lot of cosmetics would also put this under the Commerce Clause.

  3. …they COULD do a Marlin Perkins style documentary on it, something like;

    “Tonight on DeBlasio’s Wild Kingdom, we are exploring the mating dance of the urban transvestite. Here you see a prime example of the huge bull tranny, here wearing its deceptive coloration in an attempt to attract a mate for the night.”

    “We’re sending Jim down to it to see if it will respond positively to him.”

    “While we’re waiting for Jim to complete his task, let me take a moment to remind you that, unlike that transvestite, Mutual of Omaha has no unpleasant surprises for you.”

    “I’ve just been given word from our producers that Jim just quit, something about his balls getting ruthlessly squeezed not being in his contract. So, since I won’t do the actual dangerous stuff myself, this is good night and good bye from DeBlasio’s Wild Kingdom, brought to you by Mutual of Omaha.”

  4. Hey Al,
    When I was young a pretty, not like now, lol, I had a room mate that on his 21st birthday decided to drive up to SF and have a night on the town with some pals. Well some hot woman stuck her tongue in his ear and he went home with her. Long story short, he was taken a walk on the wild side, and didn’t know it. He left it in a pool of blood and hitched a ride back south to San Jose. Just sayen this is nothing new in places like SF. But I’m still confused.

  5. Another Cali story from old Brad. I met my dream woman working at Marie Calanders. Fuck You, she brought me food. LOL. Where was I going with this, oh yea. The entire famdamily decides to have a family reunion at the 49er Camp Ground in Plymouth California. Now named the 69er Ah shit, never mind. Anyway, the future wife decides she’s taking a shower. Camp ground showers. I’m sitting at on a Pick-nick bench and up walks this 16 year old kid that exchange small talk and tells me he’d love to see my crotch. Here’s the deal, ya know how Shep Smith has that lit complexion and glowing weird eyes? Same thing. Weird. I’m still confused.

  6. “Transgender Women of Color”
    Translation: Black homosexual men.

    Speaking and writing clearly is not that hard. Perhaps the media will someday return to this method of reporting.


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