Feds still holding on to 5 years of NSA phone-snooping metadata – IOTW Report

Feds still holding on to 5 years of NSA phone-snooping metadata

WT: The National Security Agency’s phone-snooping program ended six months ago this Saturday, but the government is still holding on to the mountain of data it piled up over the previous five years, worrying civil liberties advocates who say it’s time to start expunging the legally questionable information.

Government officials say they no longer access the information, but the intelligence community’s past behavior has some civil libertarians skeptical of those assurances. And the mere existence of the data, which includes the time, duration and numbers involved in phone calls, worries critics who say there’s no reason for it to be sitting under government control.

The intelligence community, though, says its hands are tied — chiefly by the very same advocates who are demanding that most of the data be expunged.

Some of those groups are helping pursue lawsuits seeking damages from the government’s snooping program, and courts have ordered all of the data to be preserved. That means the NSA can’t purge the information, even though it says it wants to.   MORE

4 Comments on Feds still holding on to 5 years of NSA phone-snooping metadata

  1. Hunh. Five years without a hard drive crash. Although the right FOIA request could bring the whole server farm crashing to the ground within an hour, I suppose.

  2. Since when does the NSA (or any other Fed Agency) give a fuck about the law?

    They had Amb. Stevens murdered.
    They took down Malaysian Flt. 370.
    The Pueblo.
    The boat “captured” by Iran.

    And a host of other shit we’ll never know anything about.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Remember the hissy fit the Progs threw when George Bush just wanted to monitor overseas long distance calls?
    But put Jeramiah Wright´s God-Damn-America-hating, jug-eared, dog-eating, Gay-obsessed, Lying-Denying, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, Bullgarian-speaking, process-circumventing, lawless-autocratic, productivity-obstructing, Al-Qaeda-appeasing, Benghazi-bullshitting, phoney-baloney, plastic-banana republic, Commie-Tranny-loving Marxist Muzlim Mallard in office and we have a virtual mountain of domestic data while the bought and paid for media looks the other way!
    Funny how that works, uh?

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