Feds subpoenaed Hunter Biden during 2016 election, raising worry over unpaid taxes on Ukraine work – IOTW Report

Feds subpoenaed Hunter Biden during 2016 election, raising worry over unpaid taxes on Ukraine work


As the 2016 election kicked into full gear, Hunter Biden’s inner circle feared an impending federal criminal indictment of his long-time business partner might expose the then-vice president’s son to legal jeopardy because he had avoided paying taxes on income from the Ukrainian gas firm Burisma Holdings, according to emails on an abandoned laptop seized by the FBI.

The emails capture the real-time communications of Hunter Biden with defense lawyers and a corporate accountant after federal authorities subpoenaed some of his business records five years ago. The document demand sent his inner circle scrambling to develop a story to explain the unpaid taxes from 2014 and 2015 and prepare a “proffer” — an offer of testimony — to give to federal prosecutors and the FBI, IRS and Securities and Exchange Commission agents investigating his partner Devon Archer. more

1 Comment on Feds subpoenaed Hunter Biden during 2016 election, raising worry over unpaid taxes on Ukraine work

  1. When does anyone on the left in that circle have to worry about any actions they take, criminal or not. They get free passes and go on with life like we the people don’t have any clue. The protection from the media the left has must end, it must be priority one for all journalist to report what is found, when found, in it’s truthful form, without deception. There’s a separate area for opinion writing

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