Feds Sue Wisconsin Company, Says English-Language Requirement is ‘Discrimination’ – IOTW Report

Feds Sue Wisconsin Company, Says English-Language Requirement is ‘Discrimination’

(CNSNews.com) — The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), a federal agency tasked with enforcing workplace discrimination laws, is suing a private American business for firing a group of Hispanic and Asian employees over their inability to speak English at work, claiming that the English-language requirement in a U.S. business constitutes  “discrimination.”

Federal Gov’t Sues Wisconsin Company Over ‘Discriminating’ English-Language Requirement

Judicial Watch reported Tuesday that the government is accusing Wisconsin Plastics, Inc. of violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination based on “national origin.” The government argues this includes the “linguistic characteristics of a national origin group.”

Irene Garcia, the blog editor and Spanish media liaison for Judicial Watch, called the EEOC’s accusation “ludicrous.”

“That’s ludicrous and an overreaching of government,” Garcia told CNSNews.com. “If you are a private company in the United States, you should be able to require your employees to speak English.” MORE


14 Comments on Feds Sue Wisconsin Company, Says English-Language Requirement is ‘Discrimination’

  1. correct me if I am wrong, but if my recollection serves me well, I remember when, to become a US CITIZEN, you had to learn English as your PRIMARY LANGUAGE PERIOD.

  2. Yeah, but they’re not citizens, so the rule doesn’t apply. Another reason to remain ‘undocumented’.

    We should just invade whatever country they came from, they can have what’s left of the US.

  3. Imagine going to some foreign shithole and demanding a job, a drivers license and a voter card, even though you don’t speak the language.

    Good luck with that.

  4. Capone, this morning at breakfast, said, “I told everyone those Feds were no damn good.”

    After all these years, I’m beginning to agree with ol’ Scarface. 👿

  5. Why Speak English? Any True Citizen Of An Ideal World Would At Least Be Linguistically Savvy At Banana Fofana, Esperanto, Ebonics, Pig Latin, Ubbi Dubbi & Others.

  6. I am pondering a retirement in a different country. Since I have never had good language learning skills I will select one that only knowing English will still let me function. I would never consider moving someplace and expecting them to accommodate me because I did not know the local language.

    I once argued with some leftist idiot ( I know a waste of time) about those coming from abroad needing to learn English. he thought it was unfair to expect them to. Even when I argued that I did not expect them to give up their native tongue , just add ours to the knowledge which would make them more skilled than myself ,
    he would not agree that we should expect them to learn it.

  7. Just when you think things can not get any more insane (even for the state of Wisconsin), they find a way to suprise you. I will never understand why liberals so rabidly hate the country they were born in to work so hard at destoying it.

    Time for a theraputic loading dose of alcoholic beverage of choice.

  8. Since the present administration took over America has been going doing hill and if the slide continues we won’t be any better than a third world country. This is crazy! A company, IN AMERICA, can’t require their workers to speak English?

    WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE. Our own government thinks more about foreigners than it does about Americans. And they also think more about foreign countries than they do about America. We are broke but they re still sending billions to other countries. And now he want more than 2billion more to take care of all those children that arrived here illegally? Hard times cause hard decisions…send them home!

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