WND: A federal program in which Drug Enforcement Administration agents unconstitutionally demanded to search travelers’ luggage, without any probable cause a crime had been committed, has been suspended after the scheme was caught on video.
It is the Institute for Justice, which is fighting on behalf of victims of the program, that confirmed the government’s abrupt flip-flop.
The institute confirmed, “Today, the Department of Justice suspended the Drug Enforcement Administration’s controversial practice of having agents intercept travelers, interrogate them, and insist on searching their bags in what the agency calls ‘consensual encounters.'”
The encounters actually are anything but consensual, as the video reveals one agent insisting that he is “the government” and can confiscate a traveler’s backpack and take it away – to some unknown location – for a search.
The victim in this case explained on video that he was very concerned that the agent would, in fact, take the backpack, and then plant evidence in it. read more
They cheat, they lie, they insult us and rob us blind. Just like Hercules diverting a river to clean out the stables, President Trump will clean out Washington, DC. You can’t stop an idea whose time has come.
This video makes me think of a trip I took with my former husband when we went to the Soviet Union via a train from Helsinki to join a tour group for a few days and the train stopped just at the border where border guards boarded and made everyone get out of their compartments and stand in the aisle while they called each of us back in one by one and shut the door. They opened my luggage and searched it while questioning me at which point I really regretted my curiousity which drove us to visit. When they found out we were both LEO the guards intensified as to our reason for visiting. It was a very disconcerting and uncomfortable situation and we stuck with the Swiss couple traveling along with us and the group most of the time but I always felt we were being watched. Communism sucks very badly.
get your mfkng ass out
Just tell them you’re in the country illegally, and they’ll leave you alone.
Note they are “suspending” this practice. Not ending it. It WILL be back as soon as the heat and bad publicity subside.
Now prosecute and fire those responsible.
Government must be made to fear The People.
While I wasn’t there for the events, I believe all they need do is call Fed Fish and Wildlife. Used my wife’s cousin multiple times at FL airport, as it seems they don’t need a warrant to search.
Many stories of smuggling critters and reptiles in places you wouldn’t believe.
And how many times have we read about government employees involved with illegal drug smuggling, taking bribes, turning their backs, selective inspections, insider information, planting evidence?
Hey, “I’m from the Government, I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t legaL”, says the DEA, FBI, DOJ, IRS, ATF, DHS, CIA and other weaponized Federal Agencies
Trust? “ Fidelity?, Bravery?, Integrity?”
Absolutely Not.
This is why I won’t go near an airport anymore, and I refuse to fly for the same reason. That “Agent” should be in prison for few years and then put on a terrorist watch list.