Feds to Deny Gun Rights to People of ‘Subnormal Intelligence,’ Other Benefit Recipients – IOTW Report

Feds to Deny Gun Rights to People of ‘Subnormal Intelligence,’ Other Benefit Recipients

biden shotgun

MRCTV: A handful of news agencies and websites erroneously reported that the Social Security Administration (SSA) was preparing to report to the FBI the “mentally ill” recipients of any SSA program, so that the Bureau could block them from legally purchasing or owning firearms. Scandalous headlines told us “Social Security Moves to Block Mentally Ill from Purchasing Guns.” But, that’s not quite right.

Such a move would be dangerous and bad enough – but, the reality is much worse than the SSA defining who is “mentally ill” and having the FBI put them on an unconstitutional “Do Not Buy/Own” list.

According to its post in the Federal Register, the SSA plans on reporting any “disability” or “benefits” recipient who: falls anywhere on the improperly-expanded “Autism disorder spectrum,” has been diagnosed with an “anxiety disorder,” cannot handle his or her own finances, or belongs to any one of myriad other categories defined by, you guessed it, the federal government. The public has sixty days to “offer comment” before the overlords who take their money and hand it out again will act.  more

13 Comments on Feds to Deny Gun Rights to People of ‘Subnormal Intelligence,’ Other Benefit Recipients

  1. In other words, stupid mentally ill people in power are defining normal people as stupid and mentally ill….so they can take away their guns…and murder them or rape them in prison if they resist.

  2. The simple truth is that TRUE RIGHTS don’t require permission from anyone to be exercised.

    This is what America has been deliberately diverted from through the use of mass academic and media indoctrination.

    We have been contra-educated to believe lies – and to DEMAND more of the same from our handlers.

  3. The tyranny by bureaucracy marches on. Since bureaucrats live among us, they should consider who might be watching over their families while they’re out trampling on their neighbors’ rights. I hope it keeps them up at night.

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