Feds to fine schools for misusing funds under ObamaLunch rules – IOTW Report

Feds to fine schools for misusing funds under ObamaLunch rules

FOX: The federal government is taking steps to fine schools that misuse funds under national school lunch rules.

michelle obama accosting child with vegetable

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service issued a proposed rule Monday to codify parts of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was championed by first lady Michelle Obama.

The regulation would punish schools and state departments with fines for “egregious or persistent disregard” for the lunch rules that imposed sodium and calorie limits and banned white grains.


A West Virginia preschool teacher was threatened with fines for violating the rules by rewarding her students with candy for good behavior in June 2015. The teacher ultimately did not have to pay, but the school had to develop a “corrective action plan” with training on the policies.  MORE


h/t Halls of Macadamia

18 Comments on Feds to fine schools for misusing funds under ObamaLunch rules

  1. The Constitution has nothing in it that provides the federal govt. to have any control over education in America and it sure as hell doesn’t authorize an unconstitutional federal bureaucracy (USDA) to create “rules” with the force of law to levy fines against anyone including local school districts over what school children are fed. This just one more in a staggeringly long line of injustices foisted on what is supposed to be a free people by a tyrannical, out of control govt. If our next president doesn’t start hacking large parts off of the Frankenstein monster our government has become, things will get really ugly when Americans are forced to do the job themselves.

  2. I noticed the salt thing too LBS. Sodium is one of the main electrolytes needed by the body to function properly and larger / more active kids need more salt than smaller / less active kids. Electrolyte imbalances (which can be caused by a deficiency in any of the main electrolytes) can kill people if severe enough. These nonsensical rules imposed by mindless bureaucrats are probably doing at least as much harm to children overall as any potential good. Here’s a brief description of salt deficiency (hyponatremia) and the symptoms it can cause:


  3. The communist mandates initiated by socialist policies have finally kicked in for Mooch’s signature “Starve the Children – Gulag School Lunch” program.
    Violations probably include buying real food, properly storing, cooking, and serving it to the students.

  4. The Sasquatch is a forage feeder. It eats whatever food is available- insects, rodents, roots, nuts, roadkill, carrion. and on occasion the unguarded child. Sometimes it will drop out of a tree and maul a solitary hiker. It is said to have an affinity for kale.
    Most legitimate nutritionists doubt whether such a diet is suitable for human children.
    The extravagant digestive system required to process such a wide variety of food may account for the Sasquatch’s ungainly appearance.

  5. The key to remember here is that the federal school lunch program is optional. A state does not have to accept the funds, and the rules that come with the funds. A smart state recognizes that accepting the funds is actually more costly than not accepting them, and does not pick up MoochFoodUSA.

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