Feelings & Chaos – IOTW Report

Feelings & Chaos

How Leftism Uses Irrationality to Overturn SocietyFeelings & Chaos.

Canada Free Press:

Burning, Pyrrhic Leftism: It’s become increasingly clear that Leftism is committed to winning the political war by doubling down on chaos — so-called a pyrrhic victory, where both parties must end up destroyed. Why? First, because this is leadership by emotion, which breeds chaos. Second, liberals panic while observing how human nature inevitably turns towards logic and clarity, whenever possible, but especially during disasters.

Human Chaos: Especially when human chaos itself drives failure, fear and collapse. But notice how Leftism, and all Woke, Gender & Trans advocates riff off an emotional core which can’t be defeated because it’s not based on logic or core arguments built upon syllogisms, arguing truth. And so these people can’t be defeated in traditional debate.

Tsunamis of Brainwashing: While this essay is not a Trump defense, consider how Donald’s presidential win bred a Krakatoa-eruption level of propaganda. Trump’s early menace had to be immediately dosed with outlandish and wholly false accusations, so Donald would be transformed into a devil. Nonetheless, Trump’s radical efficiency and persuasion was so impressive, it had to be specifically singled out for destruction. more here

5 Comments on Feelings & Chaos

  1. My righty-tighties are in a bigly wadd, now what? Maybe we should go to another WWE champion, Da Rock, it doesn’t matter what ur name is. Bullet proveman is losing on the polls time for a new Champ.

  2. We need a new attitude on “triggering.” Instead of laughing at it or ignoring it, we should celebrate those who can cause the most triggering the fastest. We can make this a contest; points for triggering someone with the most trivial issue, points for triggering a public meltdown, double points for making a triggered individual miss work or school, points for style, points for quantity, etc. etc.

    There can be different levels for those who cause triggering – from novice triggerman to grandmaster trigger. Grandmaster Triggers should be celebrated, and no one – from novice triggerman to grandmaster trigger – should ever apologize except in the instance where the triggering could have been better or more intense. For example, I would never apologize for triggering someone by using an incorrect made-up pronoun, but I could apologize for performing an expert triggering when a grandmaster level triggering could have been available.

    Presently the platinum standard is probably Elon Musk. But by letting your common sense run wild, you too may achieve a high level and celebrated lever of triggering.

  3. ^^^ And when the rear wheel digs into the belly of the fallen old man and his guts come flying out, the crowd cheers wildly and scores get posted: 9.5 9.8 9.8 9.6 9.5 10.0 !

    “Of course I didn’t mean of offend you. It WAS a huge bonus though.” (Meme from The Adams Family)

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