Feinstein Canceled: San Francisco to Rename Elementary School – IOTW Report

Feinstein Canceled: San Francisco to Rename Elementary School

WFB: The San Francisco Unified School District has decided to rename an elementary school named after California Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein, the Daily Mail reported Tuesday.

Dianne Feinstein Elementary School is 1 of 44 schools that will be renamed because the district deemed their namesakes “inappropriate” in October. Feinstein’s cancellable offense was raising a Confederate flag in front of San Francisco City Hall while serving as mayor in 1984.

The district decided to reevaluate its school names following a summer of racial-justice protests. Among the schools it plans to rename are those whose namesakes owned slaves, perpetuated human-rights abuses, or oppressed minorities, women, and the LGBT community.

A 1984 copy of Workers Vanguard reported that “Dixie” Feinstein raised a Confederate flag over the San Francisco Civic Center and replaced the flag after racial-justice protesters tore it down. more

3 Comments on Feinstein Canceled: San Francisco to Rename Elementary School

  1. …might want to look up Robepierre and what “All revolutions eat their own children” means, this is where it STARTS DemoCunts, not where it ENDS, so you all are gonna be hung by US or by the likes of AOC, but hang you WILL, I only hope I live to see it, hopefully through a scope…


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