Feinstein doesn’t want FBI’s Kavanaugh findings made public – IOTW Report

Feinstein doesn’t want FBI’s Kavanaugh findings made public


RedState:How Convenient! Dianne Feinstein Doesn’t Want Kavanaugh FBI Findings Made Public.

After making both Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford’s lives a living hell the last few weeks, and being one of the few people who knew Ford’s name when she wanted to remain anonymous, Sen. Dianne Feinstein doesn’t want the FBI’s further interviews into the allegations made public.  MORE

27 Comments on Feinstein doesn’t want FBI’s Kavanaugh findings made public

  1. What she means is ” I want to leak the “Special” findings.” “Special findings” are those putting either conservatives or Republicans in a very bad light!

  2. I thought the results of these SC FBI investigations were only available to Senators anyway. She must be trying to make sure that only favorable results for the accusers leak out. Too bad for her that she has no control over the grassroots “discovery” effort which is incriminating BF.

  3. Bullshit! Though the norm may be to keep private, there is nothing normal about the way this whole farce was done. The FBI investigation was called for in a open hearing viewable to anyone who wanted to see it. Their (Dems) crazy accusations were made in a public manner and the report they insisted on needs to be the same.

  4. What the demokraps are saying they want to filter and interpret the findings for the dim witted public – who might see the truth and be upset. More BS from our overlords.

  5. President Trump should have Sarah Sanders post the FBI report unredacted to the .gov website at the same time it’s released to the Senators as a “Press Release” so that way the Dem.Senators won’t be able to twist & release their version to the press to try to cast Kavanaugh in a bad light. This way if the Dems. still try to pull some crap on this report, they’ll fry their own asses.

  6. Now it is coming out that feinstein has been operating under a rather large misunderstanding.
    It is common knowledge that feinstein has been a frequent consumer of cough syrup and she has acknowledged it could have possibly impacted her judgment. It was pointed out to her, earlier this morning, that the instructions for the cough syrup are for one cap of the medication. Apparently feinstein had misread the directions, and has been consuming it by the cup. Spokesfolk for the senator have confirmed that she has scheduled an appointment with an optometrist, and will therefore not be available for comment on this or anything else.
    Not really, but just havin’ some fun at her expense.

  7. “And, it’s possible that McLean took the polygraph test FOR Blasey-Ford…”

    Czar, that might explain why we were only shown the infamous sunglasses photo of BF for more than a week, and another reason why she didn’t want to appear in public to testify. The Dems were hoping that seclusion and their internet scrub of her records would prevent comparison between her and the woman in the lie detector photo. They were hoping K would fold, and they weren’t counting on an old boyfriend to put a name
    (McLean) on that face. Let the unraveling continue.

  8. Every one of the other potential Republican candidates would have either cut and run by now or would have managed to screw this up if they had been nominated and then been elected President.

    Trump is exactly the right man at the right time to be in office.

    The Democrats don’t know how to get their ass handed to them, just like the Republicans don’t know how to win. Trump has the establishment so damn confused right now they don’t know if they are afoot or on horseback. The Never Trumper Republicans are colluding with the Democrats to deliberately trying to derail this SCOTUS nominee and the rest of the establishment Republicans continuous and everlasting displays of cupidity and stupidity are not having their usual and expected effect.

  9. @Czar- “And, it’s possible that McLean took the polygraph test FOR Blasey-Ford:”

    There wasn’t verification of identity, either by fingerprints or otherwise, before the polygraph or her testimony, so it is entirely possible.
    With ford’s reputed standing in academia and the medical community, such verification should exist and be readily obtainable. I have to have a vein scan of my hand in order to test for various qualifications, and I would think she has done something similar as well. Nor do I give any validity to her polygraph, regardless of who took it.

  10. Bromwich (previously McCabe’s attorney) was likely added for access to the FBI insiders, as well as for protection from potential backlash and criminal complaints against Blasey Ford (perjury/false statements).

    TO toby
    I think the photo linked sorta sorts stuff out well as far as *who* is sitting there getting a test. LOTS of folks have said the skin and hair don’t match Ford but, when you set McLean’s photo next to that, you get a *match* (in my book). Only question is: IS it Ford’s camp that originally released that ubiquitous photo, and did they claim it to be Ford?

  11. To Czar- I guess, with what you’re saying (and I am open to it possibly not being ford that was polygraphed), the provenance of the handwritten ‘statement’ would need to be established. When was the statement written, and was that event witnessed, as being done by the person in the photo? That then leads to the necessity of handwriting samples from both ford and maclean. The whole polygraph is a polymess. No wonder feinstein wants everything related to be made ‘secret.’

  12. If other than ford was the taker of the polygraph, and also was not the author of the ‘statement,’ they could easily pass a polygraph, as was given. They were not asked if it was their statement, nor if they had written it. With those convenient exceptions, they could even ask me, or you for that matter, “are there any falsities in your statement?” A ‘no’ answer would not register as being a lie, as it is not the statement of the person being asked. There was no verification of what statement was being referenced, And this type of crap is being sold, all day long, by msm as being acceptable practice in our judicial system and government.
    So, yeah, I can see why feinstein wants to keep everything related to this ‘secret.’
    But, NO

  13. Diane maybe worried about many of her fingerprints being found in a discovered conspiracy to exploit a mentally unstable woman, who she also directed to use lawyers who would not represent Ford’s best interest, but would also aid in the conspiracy to destroy the good reputation of Brett Kavanaugh.

    Sen. Feinstein’s delay in making Ford’s charges known was probably a mix of needing time figure out how to best exploit Ford and figuring out the most damaging time to spring the Demonrat dirty tricks. The best balance of factors.

    While Christine Ford’s testimony was emotionally powerful. She also appeared to be to weak to live alone or to be functional in society, and in need of a lot of help from someone who actually cares about her. Diane Feinstein and her demonrat cabal are not in that circle.

  14. @Blink- How ford is to be portrayed is a potential problem. Is she a confused victim with an inaccurate memory who is being exploited, or is she all in on a conspiracy? I think she is a co-conspirator, but to the members of the committee, they are probably most concerned of their image as they define who they think ford is. The coming election to them is probably more important than an honest opinion. Essentially, they are gutless.
    As far as her appearing ‘weak’- I don’t buy that for a second. She was acting. I bet she is a nasty drunk and she crushes her empties on her forehead as she belches. No, she ain’t weak, or a good actress, in my estimation.

  15. Hey, my cya is I wrote Ford ‘appeared’ to be weak. Maybe she is or she is not. She might indeed just be a danged good actress in on the deception. The the delays may have also been to provide the time for multiple rehearsals to get it right when the pressure increased when the real senate hearing got underway. You know, kind of how the SEALs worked on a model mock-up of Osama’s compound to make sure they got it right when the real event unfolded. Or astronauts practice for a plan space walk. However. Christine may have messed up not completely hiding some telling body language.


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