Feinstein, other Dems largely silent on abuse claims against Keith Ellison – IOTW Report

Feinstein, other Dems largely silent on abuse claims against Keith Ellison

FOX: As top Democrats speak out on sexual misconduct claims against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, they’ve been largely silent on physical and verbal harassment claims against one of their own: Rep. Keith Ellison, a top Democratic National Committee (DNC) official.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, revealed earlier this month she knew of the initial accusations that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted a woman in the early 1980s, when he and the accuser were teenagers. Feinstein, D-Calif., called for an immediate postponement of the Kavanaugh nomination process Sunday night after another woman publicly claimed he harassed her. Feinstein said the serious allegations deserve a “fair, independent” investigation from the FBI.

Kavanaugh has denied both accusers’ claims strongly.

Meanwhile, Ellison’s ex-girlfriend, Karen Monahan, on Sunday claimed there’s been a smear campaign against her to help her husband. Last week, she said many Democrats haven’t believed her claims: “I’ve been smeared, threatened, isolated from my own party.”  more here

7 Comments on Feinstein, other Dems largely silent on abuse claims against Keith Ellison

  1. Only women of the right political bent are given the imprimatur of instant credibility of absolute truth; if you aren’t a D, you aren’t worthy of drawing breath or claiming to be a woman….
    See, it’s not that hard to understand! [sarcasm off]

  2. Of course she will remain silent when the politics suit her.
    But the Fake News Media is duty-bound to investigate and report the Troof !!!

    I wonder what Bob Woodward is doing today?

  3. @Anonymous 3:39 p.m.:

    Only women of the right political bent…if you aren’t a D, you aren’t worthy…

    That’s true in general, but Karen Monahan is a Sierra Club community organizer focusing on “environmental justice” so I think she’s in the right camp. In her case, it’s her target’s status as a D congresspest and, even more critically, vice chair of the DNC that shields Ellison.

  4. As far as the Democrats are concerned she deserved what she got for sassing her man.
    Besides, they argue, it was a fair fight. He didn’t sucker punch her or anything.

  5. No outrage by the democrats
    when a democrat is accused
    no matter how certain.
    mere unsupported allegation against
    anyone thought of as a not-democrat
    Full intensive FBI investigation
    MSM demonizing and
    No responsibility of the accusers
    To PROVE their claims
    Presumed conviction
    Without trial
    Without confronting accusers
    Without ANY semblance of Due Process
    To hell with the constitution
    When the Dems make a claim
    It is your obligation to prove them conclusively wrong
    They always win !

  6. JayPee , great post! Have always been amazed that the opposition always use their own hidden offenses to accuse others of, (smoke and mirrors). The introduction of the Internet has only worsen it. Was not bad enough that the alphabet networks were paid by and promoted the DNC. Add in the great technical internet, where everyone is a journalist and comedian (satirist). Nepotistically employed trash is a really hard thing to rid us of. I too wish for it as well.


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