Feinstein prepared to pay fine after failing to properly disclose husband’s stock purchase: Report – IOTW Report

Feinstein prepared to pay fine after failing to properly disclose husband’s stock purchase: Report


Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., has reportedly offered to pay a fine after she failed to promptly disclose a stock purchase made by her investment banker husband Richard Blum.

Blum reportedly purchased up to $50,000 worth of shares of polling firm The Generation Lab (formerly College Reaction) in August, which was disclosed several weeks after the federal deadline, Business Insider reported on Wednesday.

A spokesperson for Feinstein told FOX Business that she became aware of her husband’s investment in the firm during “the course of a review of her husband’s transactions” by his company.

“The transaction was reported as soon as the oversight was discovered,” a spokesperson for Feinstein said in a statement. “We can’t speak to why it had been previously overlooked but have been assured that personnel involved in her husband’s transactions are aware of the reporting requirements.” read more

22 Comments on Feinstein prepared to pay fine after failing to properly disclose husband’s stock purchase: Report

  1. …I genuinely had a stock reporting oversight when I was younger and had the good fortune to be a vested shareholder in an ESOP when it sold out, and missed reporting a small draw I took when rolling it over into an annuity. Actually my CPA missed it, but its my signature=my bad. They caught up to it about 3 years later and my CPA tried to blunt it by telling them we were as honestly stupid as we were – I NEVER had a stock or retirement before THAT – but no, they crawled all the WAY up my financial ass with an audit microscope for a YEAR and, after not finding anything ELSE, grudgingly consented to let me off with back taxes and fines but they would kindly not send me to jail as long as I signed a document saying I was guilty forever of tax sins and could NEVER, EVER question that I was.

    And I had tax attorneys tell me at great cost that was the BEST I could ever hope for, so I did.

    I never forgot how it was actually more important for them to force a guilty plea than it was to actually just collect the money, though. And my stocks were, and are, EXTREMELY small time.

    …somehow, though, I suspect that Nancy’s experience may differ, just a little…

  2. This is one example today of the elites pissing on us and telling us it’s raining. Another one from today, Kevin Clinesmith sentenced to probation. That will teach him a lesson. I bet he doesn’t falsify documents to support a FISA warrant again.

  3. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS JANUARY 29, 2021 AT 1:27 PM

    “…somehow, though, I suspect that Nancy’s experience may differ, just a little…”

    … ̶N̶a̶n̶c̶y̶ Diane, I mean…hey, all those bitter, decrepit Democrat devil’s bait witches look the same to me…

  4. @ ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS And it cost them, I mean us the tax payers, more to go after you than the money you owed.

    I say screw them any and every way you can. Laws are not enforced equally so why bother to obey them? I’m going to tear the tag off of my mattress before I go to bed tonight.

  5. A watchdog group called out House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for a very profitable Tesla stock deal shortly before the Biden administration released plans to make the federal automobile fleet electric.
    Last month, Paul Pelosi, a wealthy venture capitalist and husband of the California Democrat, bought up to $1 million of Tesla stock when the price was roughly $640.34 a share. The price had shot up to $838 a share by Thursday on the NASDAQ exchange.
    Tesla stock has been a darling of Wall Street for years, and the company stands to reap huge profits if the federal government moves to an all-electric fleet.

  6. Feinstein, like pelosi, mcconnell, kerry, schumer, clinton (you name them) is complete scum, and has sold out our country long, long ago. Worse the above shitlist sold out our country to the communist chinese.


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