Feinstein: Trump ‘Is Right’ On Iran — ‘Let Me Be Very Clear…’ – IOTW Report

Feinstein: Trump ‘Is Right’ On Iran — ‘Let Me Be Very Clear…’


Sen. Dianne Feinstein said on Fox News Sunday that Donald Trump was “right” in his decision to put Iran “on notice.”

Host Chris Wallace first asked the California Democrat if “President Trump is right to say that enough is enough and to put the rulers in Iran on notice?”

“I think that he is right in this,” Feinstein responded. “I think that Iran is wrong in this. Let me be very clear.”

“These are not nuclear ballistic missiles, they are conventional ballistic missiles, but Iran has a lot of them,” she added. “More than anybody else in the area.”
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8 Comments on Feinstein: Trump ‘Is Right’ On Iran — ‘Let Me Be Very Clear…’

  1. I don’t think she realizes that saying “Trump” and “right” in the same sentence puts her in serious danger of melting, just like the other Wicked Witch of the West.

  2. It’s interesting to see Diane realizing how wrong she has been all these years. The revelation of her climbing the ladder of power at the cost of her constituents has cost her soul dearly, and now that the chickens have come home to roost, I see her as a soon to be has been, as a slobbering fool, bed ridden to the institution of her loving democratic parties faith. Poor soul. She never saw it coming. Nor was she communally vigilant to watch for its fatalities on the communities she swore an oath to preserve. Money and Power was and is her God. So,I say to her, you broke it, you bought it, sister!

  3. I’m confused. Does Dianne Feinstein saying Donald Trump was “right” mean that he’s so wrong it’s terrifying? Or has some one on her staff bought a glimmer of self-awareness, and realized that the easiest way to discredit any sane individual is for Dianne Feinstein to publicly agree with them?

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