Feinstein was confused why Kamala Harris was tiebreaker in Senate – IOTW Report

Feinstein was confused why Kamala Harris was tiebreaker in Senate


Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) reportedly was confused last year when Vice President Kamala Harris was presiding over the Senate and was called upon to cast a tiebreaking vote.

Feinstein, 89, supposedly asked her colleagues, “What is [Harris] doing here?” when the vice president was performing her duty as president of the Senate, according to a report from the New York Times.

Feinstein has an incredible legacy, becoming the longest-serving woman senator last year. However, her colleagues have reportedly been worried about her memory declining for years.

Feinstein has had short-term memory problems recently. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, a lawmaker reported the California Democrat often asked repeated questions and forgot important information. MORE

12 Comments on Feinstein was confused why Kamala Harris was tiebreaker in Senate

  1. Feinstein is alzheimered. She doesn’t even know what day it is, much less that Kammy Mao is (fake) V.P. Feinstein can’t remember much, but she makes a great Demwit place holder until she can be primaried out of Congress.

  2. “Feinstein has an incredible legacy.” Oh brother. Of course DiFi doesn’t understand the constitution. But she was that way long before Alzheimer’s struck.


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