Feinstein’s 2014 Memo Shows How Trump Can Block Migrants — and Save Central America – IOTW Report

Feinstein’s 2014 Memo Shows How Trump Can Block Migrants — and Save Central America

Breitbart: Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is leading the fight to cripple Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s “zero-tolerance” policy on illegal border-crossers — but she has argued in a previously undisclosed 2014 memo that federal law gives the president broad authority to solve the border problem.

Sessions’s policy of ensuring criminal prosecutions for “improper entry,” including aliens with children, has elicited an outcry from most liberal institutions, including the legacy media, human rights, and special-interest groups, and even the United Nations. This focus by Feinstein and the media on these relatively few children distracts us from recognizing the much larger devastation wrought by U.S. immigration policy on Mexico and Central America.

In his book, A Nation of Emigrants, migration scholar David Fitzgerald writes that the mass exodus of Mexicans has led massive family separation back home.

As much as 20 percent of Mexico’s middle-west region of Los Altos had picked up and left for the United States, according to a survey conducted after the 1986 congressional amnesty.

The survey found that a full 75 percent of residents had at least one family member who had gone, and of those families, 20 percent had included married couples who had permanently separated as a result. According to Fitzgerald, such mass dislocation had further led to five percent of married couples divorcing “usually because an emigrant man had abandoned the family.”  more here

6 Comments on Feinstein’s 2014 Memo Shows How Trump Can Block Migrants — and Save Central America

  1. I would like some wealthy donor to step up and provide some kind of “genius grant” to Mexican nationals to return home and try American ideas of capitalism and free markets in their homeland. Heck, I would chip in myself. If twelve percent of Mexican adults are living in the US, that would make a very strong army to go home and build a new economic system. What do you guys think?

  2. Just to confirm a bit what Fitzgerald is saying: I was in a town of 5,000 people about 200 miles south of the New Mexico border about 18 years ago. The only residents were a 30 year old beautiful, model quality, woman taking care of her dying father and her aged mother. The rest of the kids had ditched them to go to the USA. 3 people left, in a town of 5,000.
    And I’ve seen dozens of other depleted towns. The macho dudes abandon their wives and kids, along with their aging parents.
    What this proves is that Mexican’s have much higher family values than Americans ………….I guess?


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