Felicity Huffman sentenced to 14 days in prison for college bribery scandal – IOTW Report

Felicity Huffman sentenced to 14 days in prison for college bribery scandal


Actress Felicity Huffman was sentenced to 14 days in federal prison on Friday for her involvement in a nationwide bribery scandal that was meant to secure placement at elite colleges for her teenage daughter and the children of other wealthy, high-profile parents.

Huffman, 56, pleaded guilty to conspiracy and fraud in May for paying $15,000 to have a proctor correct mistakes made on her daughter’s SAT in 2017. Concerned that her daughter’s low math scores would prevent her from attending an elite college, Huffman admitted to paying the fee to the scheme’s ringleader, William “Rick” Singer, and disguising the money as a charitable contribution.

During her sentencing, the judge noted that Huffman had not involved her daughter in the scheme and had one of the smallest bribes involved in the scandal.

Dozens of other parents were also charged in relation to the scheme. Other parents paid up to $500,000 to improve the collegiate future of their academically challenged teens. Of the 34 parents charged, 15 have so far pleaded guilty and are expected to serve limited jail sentences and pay various fines. Huffman, known for her longtime role in Desperate Housewives, had asked the judge for leniency in sentencing in her case. read more

42 Comments on Felicity Huffman sentenced to 14 days in prison for college bribery scandal

  1. And this is why nobody takes white collar crime seriously.

    She should have been sentenced to the same amount of time a bank robber would have gotten for stealing the same amount of money she paid for her child to get in college.

    Same with embezzlement. Past a certain monetary value, the friggin Death Penalty ought to be enacted. Sorry, shoot one convenience store clerk and you go away for life or death. Steal money from enough people that 50 victims suck-start guns? Game on, Mr. Death Penalty done come for you.

    Let’s reform the criminal justice system. Let’s make penalties actually penalties. Punishments should be punishing.

  2. Western society is nearly dead because shame was lost.

    Shame was lost when the concept of individual moral guilt was removed.

    That guilt was removed when laws were considered optional for some and iniquity was widely promoted…you were only as guilty as you were caught doing, and often not even then.

    That happened when even the concept of a judging God was gradually removed from society’s awareness. Government became the god that decided right and wrong, and if Government needed you to continue bringing it money, Government was very reluctant to say you were guilty of anything. But if you stood in governments way, you were guilty of everything.

    That in turn happened because of the Left…communists.

    As I’ve said many times in the past and will continue to say, because it’s accurate: sociopathically violent Mohammedans, lazy welfare sponges, drug addicts, grifter politicians, infantile babymen and babywomen, perverts, invincible elites…these are not THE problem. They’re all symptoms of the problem.

    The Left is the problem. The left has killed us.

  3. Not sure what additional jail time on the taxpayer dime would have accomplished?
    I hate Hollywood scum as much as anybody but I still don’t get all the outrage.

    Obama’s daughters have carte blanche for as long as they live, yet they might have an IQ of 67…

  4. Loco,

    The outrage comes from the knowledge that every average, unconnected person has: if an average person managed to do the same thing, or even tried, they be looking at years in the slammer, not two weeks, and their kid’s life ruined.

    This is precisely the kind of “disparate impact” the left loves and secretly promotes. It further splits us into class fragments – no longer fellow citizens or countrymen but warring tribes – making us easier to take over someday when s critical mass of people get fed up and pissed off enough to finally vote for their lies.

    If that doesn’t happen in 2020, I expect it will begin to happen in 2024. Trump has taught the Left a painful lesson it won’t forget. They will not repeat a chance of a second version of Trump down the road.

    Either in 2020 or 2024, their revenge against us begins in earnest and there will be blood in the streets.

  5. If they do win next year, it will have to be due to vote fraud and outright theft on a scale we haven’t even imagined before. The result will be the same…vengence. In their minds:

    Them = Avengers
    Us = Thanos

    We saw the lawless wickedness that Obama and those aligned with him in various states were able to get away with, against us, during his regime.

    That was just a foretaste. A righteous holy war very similar to jihad will begin against us the second they know they have power back.

  6. Actually, if the Feds compute time served the same way that our county jail does, then she’ll actually only serve a week. A 14 day sentence that begins on a Friday automatically gets 1/3 off the top for good behavior, which now reduces it to 10 days. There are no weekend releases, so with the ten days remaining, she’d be eligible for a Friday discharge because they won’t hold her until Monday to release her.
    Granted it’s not going to be the lap of luxury, but it’s not going to be San Quentin and it’s only going to be for a week.

  7. she’s a celeb and an open democrat.

    an article i read this morning talked of a woman in a northeast state that lied about her address to get her kid into a prep school got five years in prison for it.

    more two teared justice from the elite scumbags.

    can’t wait until they get dethroned.

  8. She’s headed off to the Federal Wine and Cheese Pairing Facility to do a fortnight of durence vile. There’s probably a book deal and a television movie in the works after she appears on several dozen talk shows bemoaning the fact that was just guilty of loving her daughter too much.

  9. I agree with Loco that the crime seems sort of- small? Compared to others, but at the same time it ISN’T fair or real justice for her to get 2 weeks. 6 months to a year would be more fair, and she has to pay a massive fine.

    But that isn’t even the REAL issue. The real issue is that a non celebrity person would be getting 3 to 5 years plus a sizable fine, and their child’s life would be (for all intents and purposes) damaged beyond repair.

    It isn’t right.

  10. You all are missing the point with your outrage. How is her behavior any different than some undeserving snot getting into a school undeservedly because daddy made a huge donation or because daddy knows someone in the board of regents? Hint: there is no difference. And this has been going on for 50 years or more. Moreover, why are the administrators involved being prosecuted? And the number of administers that probably knew what was going on outnumbered the celebs ten-to-one (at least).

    The problem is the university system is a joke and has been for decades. The outrage needs to be more firmly directed at the university system that bilks the taxpayers for tens of billions annually and provides nothing. This is a mere symptom of a totally corrupt system that needs to be completely dismantled.

  11. Oh, for fuck’s sake.

    What did she do any differently than old Joe Kennedy?
    One President, one Attorney General, and one lifelong Senator?
    This has been going on since the nativity of “endowments.”

    The hypocrisy of our Judiciary is absolutely astounding.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. What’s the crime here? She paid off some doofus who used admission set asides for athletes. BFD. How is this different than legacy admissions or Daddy Warbucks funding a 10 million dollar addition to the Social Studies department for advanced studies of sexual perversions with the understanding that little Aloysius Warbucks is admitted. Happens everyday. It’s an internal issue of the school.

  13. Hell sakes, we have legalized and institutionalized the policy of someone less or not qualified jumping ahead of someone more qualified! Its called Affirmative Action (Also, see above comments for student(?) athletes)!

  14. No mention in the article of a fine. If Huffman got 14 days for her $15k bribe, shouldn’t Laughlin get about 18 months for her $500k bribe? At least Huffman pled guilty, and saved the taxpayers the cost of a trial. She also showed some humility, as opposed to Laughlin who still doesn’t get it.

  15. Anon, Tim and others have it correct. Your righteous anger is misplaced. She did nothing that politicians don’t do every damn day and nobody says squat. Want to get your kid in college and you’re a politician just snap your fingers. RE; the Clintons and Obamas, John McCain. Want special hospital care? Build a hospital wing. Oh and just how did obama get into Harvard and Columbia?

  16. Felicity Huffman, who?
    After 14 days, gets to spend the rest of her life with William H. Macy,
    Bet she is dwelling her thoughts right now on that one,,
    yet Hillery skates on everything.
    Yea MSM!

  17. Damn you people want to throw the book at a lady who didn’t rob anybody. No one lost money in this deal. The schools? They made money. Why the hate? Lady wanted her kid in school. No one was cookin up crack. No one got shot.
    Just not that big a deal to me.


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