Female Boxer Withdraws From Competition Against ‘Trans’ Athlete – IOTW Report

Female Boxer Withdraws From Competition Against ‘Trans’ Athlete

Town Hall

A female boxer withdrew from a Canadian boxing tournament after being told she was competing against a biological male who identified as “transgender,” according to several reports.

The athlete, Katia Bissonnette, was reportedly given one hour’s notice that she would be competing against a man at the 2023 Provincial Golden Glove Championship in Quebec. After she withdrew, the transgender athlete was declared the winner by default as they could not find another opponent in the same weight class. more

16 Comments on Female Boxer Withdraws From Competition Against ‘Trans’ Athlete

  1. Good for her indeed, refusing to compete looks like the only way to stop this since all the regulatory sports agencies won’t. I do have a lot of sympathy for all the females who train their ass off for a fair sport and have to deal with this.

  2. The organizers of these events are “tucking” the trannies in surreptitiously. Real women should demand full disclosure of what’s in the tournament beforehand, and boycott from the get-go. Deligitimize the fraud. Don’t play their games.

    Who’s running your events, ladies? Maybe you need to make some changes.

  3. Women should start all of their boxing competitions with each boxer giving their opponent a gentle, ceremonial kick in the crotch.

    Or tennis , pool, or swimming, or bicycling, or…

  4. “Women either stand up for themselves or get run over by men AGAIN.”

    I need to disagree. It was her coach, a man, who alerted her of this bull shit. He also approved of her saying F you. I love women. I hold them in high regard. And straight white men should be standing up for them in cases like this. If the mutant wants to fight some one, fight someone with the same plumbing you pussy.

  5. I don’t understand why they don’t just start a pervert/mentally ill league.
    We have “Special” Olympics for the disabled.

    She is courageous – and will probably be punished.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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