Female Progressive Wants To Unseat Democrat Dick Durbin – IOTW Report

Female Progressive Wants To Unseat Democrat Dick Durbin

Daily Caller: A self-proclaimed “bold progressive” candidate announced Tuesday that she will challenge Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, a high-ranking Democrat, in 2020.

Anne Stava-Murray, 32, is an Illinois native who was elected to her first term in the Illinois House in 2018. Durbin said he was planning to run for re-election on CNN’s “New Day” less than two days after Stava-Murray’s announcement.


“I ran for State Rep in 2018 because I was so sick of being indirectly bullied by our political machines who care more about preserving themselves than the health and wellness of the people,” she wrote in her Facebook announcement.

Durbin is a veteran senator who has served since 1996 and will turn 76 in 2020. Stava-Murray has never met Durbin and called him “more centrist” according to the Daily Herald.

“I think that he sort of writes off the progressive branch of the party, of which I identify myself with, as being unwilling to compromise, and certainly there might be some key players who aren’t giving the progressive cause a good look, but in the most part what I see when I talk to my fellow progressives and Democrats in Springfield and other fellow progressive Democrats is a total willingness to work across the aisle,” Stava-Murray said according to the Daily Herald.

Her platform includes Medicare for all, equal pay for women and union solidarity, according to her Facebook post.  more

22 Comments on Female Progressive Wants To Unseat Democrat Dick Durbin

  1. Hyphenated last name. Looks like a 15-year-old boy. Thinks Dick Durbin is a centrist.

    If Progressivism had a birth canal, this chick came screaming out of it like it was Splash Mountain.

  2. Thank goodness SHE announced HER pronouns….

    As soon as I hear I think sort of, or I feel sort of, or It was sort of… “sort of….” I know the speaker is a progressive loon and should work for NPR.

  3. “Union Solidarity”, isn’t that where the local democrats ensure the slush fund by legislating for and enabling big unions?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. “… of which I identify myself with …”
    Maybe she should “Resist her much, much?”

    Hmmm … wonder why “progressives” use that euphemism instead of “Wilsonian Socialists?”
    Racist, War-mongering, Exclusionary, Nihilistic, Globaloney-ist International Socialism (Communist/Fascist) of leftovers and excreta from the 1920s?

    I guess in our be-nighted be-clowned culture it sounds KOOL.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Somebody should clue this NPC in on the Hodgkinson/Durbin connection. He needs to be hounded about that, and it is obvious Chris Wray’s FBI won’t do it.

    And can she get a little more specific on what kind of a “Professional Researcher” she is? Probably googles up listicles for Buzzfeed.

  6. I can get behind anyone who is not Dick Turdbin. That is, IF I’m still within the geographic confines of Shitlinois when he comes up for election. So I could care less if she is a progressive goof. Because the writing is on the wall, we’re out of this shithole state in the near future.

  7. The scary thing is a woman with PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT boldly across her unpatriotic pale blue/green signs won a state house seat here in Hays County TX. I have no love for Durbin and would love to see him gone but the bigger picture is how in the world are people across the country now running on a progressive platform and winning?! And they all have that insane look too.

  8. From Illinois? She better be more than 1/1024th “awaiting documentation” alien! Or there’s no way she even gets on the ballot. (Of course, being a progressive Democrat, claiming abduction and probing IS good enough.)

  9. I’m convinced that the only way that these progressive loons win is massive voter fraud, at ALL levels – City, County, State and in EVERY state of the union. The cancer is wide-spread, not just in blue states.

    Illegal Aliens, Dead Voters, Multiple Voting, Assisted Voting, Prisoners Voting — these Democrat criminals will use every trick to win. How many elections did they steal in November 2018 — even one is too many.


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