Female Trump supporter attacked, hospitalized following altercation with Women’s March activists in DC – IOTW Report

Female Trump supporter attacked, hospitalized following altercation with Women’s March activists in DC

PML: A female Trump supporter was allegedly attacked and hospitalized by Women’s March and Black Lives Matter activists after she participated in a pro-Trump rally on Saturday in Washington D.C.

Isabella Maria DeLuca, whose bio identifies her as a Turning Point USA ambassador, posted images of her injuries while recovering at a local hospital. NationalFile identified DeLuca as the Outreach Director for the pro-Trump organization Republicans for National Renewal. more

14 Comments on Female Trump supporter attacked, hospitalized following altercation with Women’s March activists in DC

  1. There’s nothing civil, or even civilized, about the Left.

    Keep that in mind if you end up in a position where you may not be able to avoid engaging them.

    Always be ready for it since it may catch you by surprise without any warning.

  2. Brad
    OCTOBER 18, 2020 AT 4:08 PM

    “So you’re advocating just giving up and taking the beating and hope you survive?”

    …you know me better than that. I’m just saying that you need to be aware that you’ll most likely be set upon by some liberal prosecutor and you need to have your family armed and trained and prepared, and have some legal insurance from the NRA or USCCA because you will most likely NEED it…

    …as I’ve said many times before, the only death I’m not prepared to explain is my own.

    But you don’t get to explain right away, especially in blue cities.

    That’s why you need to be prepared not only to shoot, but for the aftermath as well, and that goes for your nearest and dearest as much as for you…

  3. @Brad, I have been preparing for a long while. I will be by myself here, but have made certain I have plenty of supplies so I don’t have to venture into any highly populated area for supplies. I’ve also prepared other “supplies” and plenty of it. I have a neighbor who understands the gravity of the situation and I’ve been taking him to the range and teaching him for a couple of years, so at least I have him across the street. He watches out for me, which is alright with me!

    Also, I have been noticing, along with the regular beach tourists, other unsavory-looking types have been coming around here. That concerns me.

  4. Conservative Cowgirl

    What I want to reinforce is be sure and obey their rules. There are no rules. Fight as dirty as you need to to survive. Be sure and mark where your property lines are. I mention this because our street is private. Meaning if the march down my street with a megaphone, that’s where they’re getting shot. Your own Molotov Cocktails are not a bad idea. Just my two cents, although I have it on good authority BLM and Antifa are big in the NorCal Beach Communities. Stay safe.

  5. @Brad, you haven’t seen my throwing arm. LOL! Thank you for the tips; you can be sure I will fight back to the best of my ability and I am pretty certain BLM and antifa would not even live to regret attacking your family.

  6. I’m 1400 feet behind one gate, and the second gate that is right on my property is generally locked. I opened that close gate a month ago to get my vehicles out of the way of grass cutting operations. The county tax assessor drove around my automobiles parked on the drive and onto my property.

    It was a few seconds of “Who goes there? Hands up!”

    And, “Your wallet and your watch, or your life!”, to add some Fanu humor to a fucked up situation.

    I was half naked (sorry, I’m usually half naked on my own property, sweating and carrying a pistol).

    Anyway I didn’t shoot them.

    The upshot was, “Attend, my friends, you make an appointment to come across this gate. Call me, leave a message, write me a letter. You both came close, closer than I have ever been, to me filling that shitbox with bullets. Don’t ever do that again.”

    My tax burden was suddenly cut in half. I’m sure it’s all above board. But hey, my point is don’t drive past gates in this territory without telling a motherfucker beforehand. I don’t give a fuck if the gate is open, or closed.


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