Feminist Naomi Wolf: If I’d Known Biden Might Lock Down the Country, I Wouldn’t Have Voted for Him – IOTW Report

Feminist Naomi Wolf: If I’d Known Biden Might Lock Down the Country, I Wouldn’t Have Voted for Him

DanBongino: Feminist Naomi Wolf, who rather famously allegedly instructed Al Gore on how to be “dominant” during his race with George W. Bush, says she would have voted for Joe Biden if she realized he might lock down the country again.

@naomirwolf If I’d known Biden was open to ‘lockdowns’ as he now states, which is something historically unprecedented in any pandemic, and a terrifying practice, one that won’t ever end because elites love it, I would never have voted for him.

8:03 PM · Nov 8, 2020

Funny. Naomi Wolf is an elite and she doesn’t love it. Maybe she doesn’t have one of those giant mansions she can do sad Instagram posts from about how tough it is to be isolated like the wealthy celebrities.

Ironically, even though Biden only ran a shadow-campaign where he refused to talk about what he would do as President in a lot of areas, he was very clear that new lockdowns were potentially on the agenda. Biden has been saying he could see doing a nationwide lockdown since an early March townhall. read more

23 Comments on Feminist Naomi Wolf: If I’d Known Biden Might Lock Down the Country, I Wouldn’t Have Voted for Him

  1. Tell you what Naomi. When we get the House back in 2022, and hold the Senate, we’ll impeach him. Or President Harris if she has us locked down. That work for you? Or we can do that Article 25 thing.

    And you thought the last four years were a nightmare.

  2. Haven’t heard a fuckin’ word about ‘herd immunity’ in the present day nine months into the emergency. Is this a term that doesn’t fit the narrative today?

    Was this disproved?

  3. This just goes to show how these democrats don’t even watch their own stupid news networks or Biden town halls. About the only agenda item Biden has addressed has been Covid saying I WILL LOCK DOWN IF THE SCIENTISTS TELL ME TO and he has promoted masks and mask mandates. Stupid ignorant people blinded by Trump hatred. Wait until she sees Biden’s tax plan.

  4. Naomi, the sonuvabitch TOLD you he would lock it down ! What the hell network were you watching that you missed that ? And when the economy tanks because of it ,don’t blame Trump. And those trendy bistros you & the “elites” hang out in, they’ll be closed too.

  5. The ONLY person who let the public know what Covid-1984 was like was Donald J. Trump.

    Everyone else shut their mouth and didn’t want the public to get a real view of a slightly worse than normal flu like illness.

    The NEW leader of Canuckistan’s federal opposition (Erin O’tool) party is former Canadian Air Force. He got covid, shut his mouth and hid for 2 weeks until re-emerging for parliament. Was it UNREASONABLE for me to expect him to have Youtube updates with his public every 2 Days?

    The point: Donald Trump behaved like a WW2 Soldier who stood up when called.


    This Twattybush voted for a senile coward who hid in a mansion while people with much less economic means did his laundry, cooking, and most likely wiped his ass after his “accidents”.

    I am appalled at how little courage is valued among modern society.

  6. Yep! This is what happens to long-term, career politicians.

    Have heard he’s out there, intermittently escaping from his basement Digs and “Purple Prancing” around the globe electronically with his finger painting of “President Elect” dangling behind him, and braying about all the beneficial actions he will be initiating in juvenile, chest-beating pronouncements, even though he told Chris Wallace he would wait until all the votes were counted.

    This mental defective, skip-foot and aging orangutan is a danger to America and the rest of the world!…Bite Me!

    Update: A Prayer Vigil for President Trump is scheduled for tonight at 8:00 EST via RSB Network (rsbn).

    Please pray for Our Country.

  7. Hi Naomi! Thanks for adding yourself to OUR list! We don’t do mailers, and civil isn’t one of our services. We specialize in rope, slipknots, and precision marksmanship. Ta-ta for now!


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